What are the symptoms of hep c

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Hepatitis C: About 5-12 weeks after exposure, some people describe the symptoms as being flulike. The symptoms may last…(MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-hep-c ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of hep c
Hepatits is liver enlargement from any type of hepatitis which causes discomfort or full pain and tenderness in the right upper quadrant. Associated signs and symptoms may include dark urine, clay-colored stools, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,…
The symptoms of Hepatitis C are often difficult to identify. Most people do not have any.
It can take up to 20years for symptoms to occur. Some of the symptoms are – tiredness, difficulty in gaining weight, in some cases swelling of the stomach.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does someone know about any class-action lawsuits involving antidepressants and exacerbation of Hep C symptoms?
Q: The specific drugs are Paxil, Lexapro and Effexor. I believe they have caused extensive liver damage; I have yet to actually have my belief confirmed by the doctors as they were the prescribers. Also, I have not begun Hep C treatment yet.
A: Don’t know about law suites but Paxil has tooooo many effects if go off this drug here is a site to read them;;www.psychdrugtruth.com/paxil.htmLexapro used for depression and anxiety made by Forest Pharmaceuticals.Effexor does not but Depakota will.
possible hep c symptoms?
Q: I shared a needle excatly three months ago now i have liver pain,direhea and skin spots could these be possible symptoms of hep c???Am waiting for the results after 11 weeks could i eliminate the virus by itself what should i do am scared to death and am suicidal
A: Hep c is definitely not worth committing suicide over. Over 4 million people have it. Many people have it and don’t even know it because the symptoms are so subtle or are non existant. You’re scared to death because you don’t know anything about it. Educate yourself. Stop beating yourself up for something you did. Everybody makes mistakes. And…. many people do spontaneously clear it. You won’t know that unless you have a specific test. Please at least find out the facts. Talk to a counselor about this. You’re not alone, and it’s not an insurmountable problem. Besides, you may not even have it. Please get help.
do you have any answers for final stages of hep-c symptoms?
Q: i have had 20 years or more of hep c .the passed 10 weeks i have major problems does anyone have the official list of liver failure
A: Please don’t wait and see a gastroenterologist asap. Many people have hep c (HCV) for years and even decades without going into liver failure. However, some do develop cirrhosis. It varies from person to person. Drinking alcohol will speed up the process & the damage to the liver. Some signs of end stage liver disease (ESLD- liver failure) are ascites (bloating of the abdomen- looking like your 9 months pregnant), vomiting blood (life threatening- go immediately to the emergency room- can be fixed “banded” usually), greyish looking skin (high bilirubin), mental confusion (called hepatic encephalopathy- caused by when the liver can’t filter out toxins), pain in the right side (although people who are not in ESLD can have pain, too). There are other symptoms, but these are the most common. If in fact you do have ESLD, it’s not too late to do something about it. If you educate yourself about it, you will feel less afraid. I run a liver disease support group and have seen many people who have ESLD. Some have been transplanted, some have had shunts, some have managed symptoms by a complete diet change along with medical care. I have also seen those who don’t do anything and lose their life. If I can help you with any information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes.
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