What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia

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Widespread musculoskeletal pain, severe fatigue, and disturbed sleep. Pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-fibromyalgia ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia
Summary: The main symptom of fibromyalgia is pain throughout the body, including joint pain, shoulder pain, chest pain, neck pain and knee pain. Identify other symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as exhaustion, sleep apnea and restless leg syndr…
The universal symptom of fibromyalgia is pain. As mentioned earlier, the pain in fibromyalgia is not caused by tissue inflammation. Instead, these patients seem to have an increased sensitivity to many different sensory stimuli and an unusu…
Pain is the most common and chronic symptom of fibromyalgia. Pain may begin in one area of the body, such as the neck and shoulders, but eventually the entire body may become affected. The pain ranges from mild to severe and may be describe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When do symptoms of fibromyalgia start or possibly can start?
Q: I have like all the symptoms. Im a an 18 year old female.
A: fibromyalgia is highly overdiagnosed by incompetant docs–its not any where near as prevelant as reported-it is a real neuro condition—but actually not that common.my symptoms started at 5there are many conditions that mimin FMS.even an aggressive lifestyle—I know someone who is overactive–volunatarilly only sleeping 5 hours a night/engaging in strenuaous activity voluntarily—she was diagnosed with Fms–but if she would just change her habits–she would proabbly be ‘cured’
Any good suggestions on how to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms?
Q: Every morning I feel like I have been run over by a truck. Sometimes if I take tylenol or something before bed, I feel a littlebetter in the mornings, but most of the time I still hurt pretty bad. My husband says its all in my head. Do I need some kind of mental medicine or a pain reliever?
A: First of all, sorry, but your husband sounds like a big jerk. What the hell does he know how your body feels? That makes me so mad. What a great support system he is. Honestly, he is probably contributing to your problems. Stress control is a big factor in helping autoimmune diseases. Or really any illness. Fibromyalgia can overlap or lead to other conditions too, so get checked out for Sacro Iliac joint problems, or arthrodesis conditions of the spine. Or be misdiagnosed.I wake up with the pain you describe. I have to get out of bed. I sit on the couch, take Advil, use the heating pad and just wait for it to pass. It can take an hour or two.Heat helps me, mild stretching and specific exercise. Swimming is the best! I also go to physical therapy and yoga.Advil, and sometimes a muscle relaxer at night is necessary to stop the spasms. A good mattress helped my pain also. Many benefit from antidepressants, methods to help with sleep, pain meds, and a host of other things. Some don’t need near as much. It is so varied. Everyone with this has different sets of symptoms. Try all conservative things to help you first, but don’t be ashamed to get the medications if you need them.The regular antidepressants or meds don’t always help those with autoimmune problems, so see only a psychiatrist to follow you on these! Not a random Dr who will give you a prescription and not follow if it works, change the dosage, etc. every month or so until you get it right for you.A good rheumatologist is essential. Family Drs mean well, but are just not knowledgeable enough in this complex field, not up on all the latest information and complications associated wtih autoimmune diseases to be your primary Dr.It really takes a team approach to treat these problems, since they have an effect on most every part of your body and mind. Many patients choose to add mental health therapy to the team effort with your other Drs. It sounds like you would benefit from it, since you are doubting yourself. Or start with finding a good support group of similar people.Your husband could use some sensitivity training, and needs to go to family counseling or support groups with you. If he does not learn about this illness, and how to respect you and help you, it will be a long hard road for you. It does sound like he has issues and might need therapy himself. It’s just mean and immature to tell someone who’s in pain, who you supposedly love, that it’s ‘all in their head’. That’s not normal.Good luck to you, and God bless. Hang in there. It’s an ever changing roller coaster with this, so try to roll with it and learn, learn, learn how to help yourself in natural ways.
What produces the same symptoms as fibromyalgia
Q: I experience;unpatterned pain all over my body (shooting, and stabbing pain) (lasting about 60 seconds) It has consistently gotten worse and more frequent over the past 2 years) ( I’m at breaking point, this pain is sometimes debilitating.I’m tired a lotIrregular Bowel movementsI don’t sleep well…sometimes not at allDifficulty paying attention, concentratingI know these are symptoms of fibromyalgia (because i Looked it up) but is there anything else this could be? PLEASE HELPserious answers only
A: there are many other things it could be–from Multiple Scelrosis and Lymesto arthritsto lupusto depressionto a spinal/nerve injuryto hypothyroidism, to bacterial or viral infections
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