What are the symptoms of fatigue

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of fatigue”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of fatigue include the following: weakness, lack of energy, tiredness, exhaustion, and dizziness. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-fatigue ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of fatigue
Some symptoms of fatigue that survivors might experience include: Feeling tired even though you had a good night’s sleep Feeling sleepy throughout the day Feeling sudden, extreme tiredness Feeling too weak to stand Finding it difficult to s…
Fatigue is a tired or exhausted feeling that can be a sign of other health conditions. Symptoms of fatigue may include exhaustion, sleepiness, and lack of energy. At times, it can interfere with normal life, adversely effecting people’s per…
You may sometimes think that you are just being lazy or depressed. Or, you may tell yourself, “I can snap out of this if I really try.” Symptoms usually start out mild and become progressively worse so that you are unable to perform every…

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Q: I think I might be allergic to corn because I never eat it at all (I pay attention to my diet very much and I know what is in everything i eat). I started eating it about a week ago and I think I might be allergic. How to resolve these symptoms of fatigue/foggy head. Is there some medicine I can take or wait until it goes away?
A: Sudafed helps me; I have some pretty severe allergies and I know what the fatigue and foggy head feel like. Food and medicines can take awhile to get out of your system so I would take it easy for a few days. I had a severe allergic reaction to Prozac for anxiety and it took five days for it to leave my body. But take some sudafed, pop in a good movie, and relax until you feel better.
Ok i have three symptoms, fatigue,dull lower mid back ache, and urgency to pee What can they be related to?
Q: In addition to this i have a had more acne than normal. I usually get al lease 1or 2 pimples, when that time of the month comes but I have had worse this month.I am taking a diuretic so that can be whats causing the urinal urgency. What do you think?
A: Diuretics are most definitely causing the urgency. The other symptoms…??? Funky homones
Why does concentrated lemon destroy my symptoms of fatigue, sleepiness, and loss of coordination from smoking?
Q: I’ve been smoking cigarettes for about a year now and without fail smoking a cigarette will cause eye droopiness, poor coordination, slower reaction time, fatigue, sleepiness. A few times i’ve lost all muscle control and fell down, unable to move.However if i eat something extremely acidic like a salt/lemon powder or pure lemon juice its as if the effects were immidieately counteracted.Why is this?
A: It might because it so sour it gives your body a shock. And ifthe other stuff is an alcali the acid will counter react it.
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