What are the symptoms of chrones disease

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The three classic symptoms of Crohns disease are persistent or recurrent diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. Other symptoms MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-chrones-disease ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of chrones disease
What are they symptoms of Chrones disease?
Crohn’s disease: A chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the small and large intestine, but which can affect other parts of the digestive system as well. It is named for Burrill Crohn, the American gastroenterologist who first d…
Can wheezing be a symptom of Chrones Disease?
That symptom is not part of crones. What your friend has going on sounds more like asthma than anything else. She needs to go to her primary doctor to get a spirometry done, this will measure how well she is breathing and if she needs it, m…

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What are they symptoms of Chrones disease?
Q: My brother has it.
A: Crohn’s disease: A chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the small and large intestine, but which can affect other parts of the digestive system as well. It is named for Burrill Crohn, the American gastroenterologist who first described the disease in 1932.Crohn disease is usually diagnosed in persons in their teens or twenties, but can come to the fore at any point in life. It can be a chronic, recurrent condition or can cause minimal symptoms with or even without medical treatment.In mild forms, Crohn disease causes small scattered shallow crater- like areas (erosions) called aphthous ulcers in the inner surface of the bowel. In more serious cases, deeper and larger ulcers can develop, causing scarring and stiffness and possibly narrowing of the bowel, sometimes leading to obstruction. Deep ulcers can puncture holes in the bowel wall, leading to infection in the abdominal cavity (peritonitis) and in adjacent organs.Crohn disease comes in many forms. Involvement of the large intestine (colon) only is called Crohn colitis or granulomatous colitis, while involvement of the small intestine alone is called Crohn enteritis. The most common part of the small intestine to be affected by Crohn disease is the last portion, called the ileum. Active disease in this area is termed Crohn ileitis. When both the small intestine and the large intestine are involved, the condition is called Crohn enterocolitis (or ileocolitis). Other descriptive terms may be used as well.Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss are common symptoms. Crohn disease can be associated with reddish tender skin nodules, and inflammation of the joints, spine, eyes, and liver. Diagnosis is commonly made by x-ray or colonoscopy. Treatment includes medications that are anti-inflammatories, immune suppressors or antibiotics. Surgery can be necessary in severe cases.Genetic factors contribute to the causation of Crohn disease. One of the genes has been shown to be on chromosome 14 in region 14q11-12.Hope this helps!
Can wheezing be a symptom of Chrones Disease?
Q: My friend is about 60 and she has Chrones and she wheezeswith the whistle in the Spring. I think she says it happens more outside when she’s working in the green grass, not sure. Her doctor refuses to give her anything for her wheezing or do a workup. I told her she needs to get another opinion but she’s real stubborn. She almost died by before she was diagnosed with Chrones. Any suggestions for my frriend?I’ll forward her the answers.
A: That symptom is not part of crones. What your friend has going on sounds more like asthma than anything else. She needs to go to her primary doctor to get a spirometry done, this will measure how well she is breathing and if she needs it, medications will be provided to her for treatment of these symptoms. Since she is having this reaction while working in the grass, I would think it is possibly an allergic reaction. In any case, the best diagnostician is her doctor. Hope this helps!
Chrones disease and whey sensitivitie?
Q: Does anyone know if high sensitivity to whey protein is a common symptom of chrones disease?
A: Madeline, I am a crohn’s survivor. The first thing the GI will do is test for celiac disease if you are wheat sensitive.Here is the correct information from the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America site. they have a live chat and a hotline you can call M-F 9 am – 5 pm (EST).What is Crohn’s Disease?Crohn’s disease is a chronic (ongoing) disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Although it can involve any area of the GI tract from the mouth to the anus, it most commonly affects the small intestine and/or colon.What Are the Symptoms?Persistent diarrhea (loose, watery, or frequent bowel movements), crampy abdominal pain, fever, and, at times, rectal bleeding: These are the hallmark symptoms of Crohn’s disease, but they vary from person to person and may change over time. Loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss also may occur. However, the disease is not always limited to the GI tract; it can also affect the joints, eyes, skin, and liver. Fatigue is another common complaint. Children who have Crohn’s disease may suffer delayed growth and sexual development.Some patients may develop tears (fissures) in the lining of the anus, which may cause pain and bleeding, especially during bowel movements. Inflammation may also cause a fistula to develop. A fistula is a tunnel that leads from one loop of intestine to another, or that connects the intestine to the bladder, vagina, or skin. Fistulas occur most commonly around the anal area. If this complication arises, you may notice drainage of mucus, pus, or stool from this opening.Symptoms may range from mild to severe. Because Crohn’s is a chronic disease, patients will go through periods in which the disease flares up, is active, and causes symptoms. These episodes are followed by times of remission — periods in which symptoms disappear or decrease and good health returns. In general, though, people with Crohn’s disease lead full, active, and productive lives.Feel free to email me if you have questions. Best of health to you.
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