What are the symptoms of carpel tunnel

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Typically, chronic sufferers feel pain, numbness, tingling, burning, itching, and even fatigue in affected extremities. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-carpel-tunnel ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of carpel tunnel
What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Symptoms usually increase gradually and may initially only be present at night. Carpal tunnel syndrome may be in one or both wrists. A dull ache in the wrist and forearm. Pain which radiates into the thumb and four fingers (excluding the li…
Are these symptoms of carpel tunnel?
It sounds more like muscle spasms than carpel tunnel syndrome. The sudden onset of this probably means it isnt carpel tunnel syndrome. Try ice therapy for 20 mins. Every couple of hours. I am not a doc, so if it lasts more than a few weeks …
How to Cope With Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms
・ 1 Get corticosteroids to relieve your pain and reduce inflammation. This involves having your doctor… ・ 2 Wear a wrist splint. This will keep your wrist mobilized. It is usually worn when you go to sleep…. ・ 3 Try Arnica. Arnica is a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What symptoms accompany carpel tunnel in the wrist/hand?
Q: I started having pain in the fingertips at first, but now it affects my wrist, hand, and sometimes radiates to the elbow.
A: Classic carpel tunnel syndrome symptoms are pain, tingling and numbness. This affects your thumb, index, middle and sometimes ring finger – but not your pinkie. The pain can radiate to your shoulder, usually on the palm side of your hand/arm. If, however, you have having problems with your pinkie finger, the brachial nerve may be involved too.You should see a doctor. There are also forms of neuropathy that can cause pain in the extremities, that have nothing to do with carpel tunnel syndrome.
Carpel tunnel symptoms?
Q: Can someone describe to me what the symptoms of Carpel tunnel is and what it feels like. I have a job where im typing constantly all day..and i am getting shots off tingling pain once in awhile up my wrist. My grandmother said she got it and it was to do with the thumb?I got it when i hadnt been on the computer for more than a week..so not sure what is causing it.
A: Usually it makes your fingers or some combination of fingers and thumb go to sleep, and it might not involve a whole finger, but rather only one side of a particular finger(s). Tingling pain could certainly also be a symptom but it is more likely a warning sign from other muscles and tendons that you are not in an ergonomically correct position for what you are doing, and especially not for long periods of it.First, make sure you are at the right level to the keyboard. (adjust your chair and/or get a foot stool.) Your upper arms should be at your sides and your lower arms should not be higher or lower than your elbow. Your arm should be at a 90 degree angle. Your wrists should NOT be resting on the desk or keyboard tray. If that doesn’t help, you might need a different keyboard. Too long of fingernails can also cause cramping because your fingers are bent abnormally (if you type with the tips of the nails). Your employer has a great interest in NOT having you get an “on the job” injury which carpal tunnel can be considered (a repetitive movement injury they call it) and will likely work with you on getting your work station set up or providing you with the equipment you need so you don’t have to put a work related injury claim in.Go talk to him/her if you can’t adjust your work area or need something new. If they won’t help you or provide what you need in a reasonable amount of time just go to the doctor. The doctor will probably send a note with you for the employer suggesting how to “fix this.” Just show up to work in a couple wrist braces and watch the boss’s face. ;-)Anti-inflammatory medication, like ibuprofen will also help reduce the inflammation meanwhile and until things get back to normal with your arm positioning.
Are the symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome constant or do they come and go? ?
Q: And if you have a mild case, will it stay mild or will it get worse?
A: I have carpel tunnel and so did my friend. hers got worse and she ended up needing surgery. a way to pervent from getting to that point is to limit the amount of time on your computer because the use of mouse worsens the problem. But if u get really sharp pains and things like that you should see a doctor about it. they will give you meds and such to make it better. Most often the syptoms of it worsen over time. Sometimes it doesnt. it all depends on the severity of it.
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