What are the symptoms of bipolar in women

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More than just a fleeting good or bad mood, the cycles of bipolar disorder last for days, weeks, or month. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-bipolar-in-women ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of bipolar in women
How to Identify Bipolar Symptoms in Women
・ 1 Look for symptoms of depression. Even though bipolar affects men and women alike, bipolar II is more… ・ 2 Notice whether there are mixed episodes such as a manic episode followed by a bout of depression. A… ・ 3 Take note of whether …
What are the Bipolar Symptoms in Women?
“Studies suggest that bipolar disorder results from an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain, including serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These neurochemicals allow cells to communicate with each other and play an essential r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder? Is there any difference for men and women?
A: 1. The primary symptoms of bipolar disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings. The illness has two strongly contrasting phases. In the manic phase:Euphoria or irritability Excessive talk; racing thoughts Inflated self-esteem Unusual energy; less need for sleep Impulsiveness, a reckless pursuit of gratification — shopping sprees, impetuous travel, more and sometimes promiscuous sex, high-risk business investments, fast driving Hallucinations and or delusions (in cases of bipolar disorder with psychotic features) In the depressive phase:Depressed mood and low self-esteem Low energy levels and apathy Sadness, loneliness, helplessness, guilt Slow speech, fatigue, and poor coordination Insomnia or oversleeping Suicidal thoughts and feelings Poor concentration Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities2. There is no difference for men or woman
I am a bipolar woman and I think that maybe the guy I’m seeing is also bipolar….?
Q: Do bipolar men have different symptoms than women or is it pretty much the same? I’ve heard bipolar men are more likely to abuse alcohol…
A: It’s pretty much the same symptoms.I’m diagnosed bipolar and I have had alcohol/drug issues so that is not limited to men.I think men are better at hiding it and less likely to seek treatment.Also,I’ve noticed that I usually end up with guys that have some form of depression.I think we just unknowingly flock together.
Symptoms of Bipolar? And could I have it?
Q: Ok.. I know this question has probably been done to death. This is me: I can be so happy, I don’t know exactly what euphoria feels like or anything like that, but yeah it’s like I’m in my own world and I play with my friends, it’s kind of really like a child like state, like the way I think and behave and it’s like I can’t control myself. It’s like… bliss, then sometimes I can think constantly about suicide and I hate going out cause I don’t want to face the world. And other times I can be completely normal. I also have quite a temper that appears mainly when I’m depressed. At the moment I’m normal..Also I get highly sexual, like EXTREMELY high, when I’m happy, and have absolutely NO need for sex when I’m depressed and when I’m normal it’s like average.I don’t know whether this is a normal “woman” thing or bipolar. Because I recognize my hormones go up and down during the month.
A: I have very similar symptoms, and do NOT have bi-polar disorder. (Although I thought I did at first, too.)It’s possible that you may have it, and also possible you may not.I highly suggest seeing a therapist/psychiatrist for this. Bi-polar disorder generally takes longer to diagnose than any other mental health condition because the symptoms vary so much. You’ll need to visit a psychiatrist several times in order to get the answer to this question. This is the only way of getting an accurate answer. (unfortunately Yahoo Answers can’t help you out with this one…)Please go see someone! It really helped me out.
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