What are the symptoms of astigmatism

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of astigmatism”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of astigmatism include headaches, fatigue, eyestrain and blurred vision at all distances. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-astigmatism ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of astigmatism
The most common symptom of astigmatism is blurred vision. If you are only slightly affected, you may not notice that much is wrong with your vision. More significant astigmatism may cause significant vision problems. It is particularly impo…
People with undetected astigmatism often experience headaches, fatigue, eyestrain and blurred vision at all distances. While these symptoms may not necessarily be the result of astigmatism, you should schedule an eye exam if you are experie…
Mild astigmatism may produce no symptoms. With moderate or severe astigmatism the following symptoms may occur:・ Headaches ・ Eyestrain or fatigue ・ Squinting ・ Blurred vision at all distances ・ Holding reading material closer than n…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the symptoms of astigmatism?
Q: I have a friend who was diagnosed of having astigmatism. He is having occasional headache attacks. His vision seem blurred when an attack is about to come. The headache is terrible, according to him, it feels like his blood is rushing up to his head. Are these symptoms of astigmatism? Or was he misdiagnosed?
A: Astigmatism is just a defect in your cornea that causes blurry vision. Instead of being perfectly domed, the cornea has a bump or dent in it. I have a slight astigmatism in one of my eyes and I can never see quite clearly out of it. It could be the vision problem that is causing his headaches. Wearing glasses will probably help him.
Q: Do i have astigmatism, the symptoms are, on my right eye i cant read letters too far like on my left eye, sometimes my right eye is more dry then the other, and if i do have it what is a possible way to better it and what are the risks????? :* (
A: theres nothing bad about having astigmatism! I have it because my site in my eyes are different. Go to your eye doctor and ask. About the dryness, use eye drops. To make it better wear glasses, wear contacts, or get eye surgury.
When people have astigmatism, how old are they usually when they first notice blurred vision?
Q: I was reading on the internet that astigmatism is usually present when someone is born. I’m almost 26 and just found out that I have astigmatism, but I had pretty much perfect vision until it started getting blurry a few months ago. If I’ve had it since I was born, why didn’t I experience symptoms until now? I’m just wondering if anyone else who has astigmatism didn’t have any problems with it until they were in their 20s or older.
A: I realized I had vision problems in my 20’s as well. I did not know that i had astigmatism until I got tested for contact lens…late 20’s. The first time I got glasses, the doctor told me that I needed glasses a long time ago but My eyes had made an adjustment or something like that.
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