What are the symptoms of a bladder infection

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Symptoms include painful urination, a sudden strong desire to urinate, an increase in the frequency of urination, cloudy urine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-bladder-infection ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of a bladder infection
This is a great question, what are the symptoms of a bladder infection. Who wants to have a bladder infection? Symptoms of bladder infection could be tiredness, stinging when urinating, and constant urges. It’s not comfortable but the go…
There are a number of symptoms associated with UTIs. Bladder infections are characterized by an urgent desire to empty the bladder. Symptoms include frequent urination, burning or pain during urination (dysuria), bladder spasms and the feel…
Symptoms can vary from person to person, but the most common signs of a bladder infection include pelvic discomfort, frequent urge to urinate, or pain in the lower back or abdomen, according to Neeraj Kohli, MD, who serves as Chief of Urogy…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do bladder infection symptoms come and go?
Q: So I had cloudy and foul smelling urine for about a week. I’ve had a bladder infection before and those were the exact symptoms. Two days ago the symptoms stopped. Do you think I don’t have an infection or have the symptoms just temporarily gone away?
A: It could be a mild infection or other signs. Do you have diabetes? Kidney problems? Do you drink enough water? Also cloudy smelly urine could be signs of an STD. It’s always a good idea to get your urine tested once a year, there is a lot that doctors can see and test for by our urine samples. If going to the doctors isn’t the answer then try drinking a lot more water and watching your sugar intake for the next few days. If it goes away it could just be your diet. If you are getting pains when you pee there are also over the counter meds. for bladder infections. Hope this helps you. Feel better!Also, if you take a lot of baths the soap could cause mild bladder infections, try switching soaps to Ivory (its natural and wont cause infections)
Can an abscess have the same symptoms as a bladder infection?
Q: I have been having symptoms of bladder infection for about a week now, the doctor did an analysis of my urine and he didn’t find any bacteria growth. He did a check up with me and thinks that I have an abscess. Could this be the cause of the pain and of the blood in my urine?
A: Abscess are very dangerous. My dad is finally recovering from abscesses all over his (internal) structure. According to his doctor, he nearly died. Stay on top of this!!Blood in the urine can mean an E-Coli infection in your bladder. It’s very painful and can make your urine look almost entirely bloody.
What are symptoms of bladder infection?
Q: What are symptoms of bladder infection?Need help please.
A: this was done by sheryl not jamesThe first symptom that my wife had was stinging when she urinated. After the stinging stopped, her urine did almost. She just dripped. The pain was so bad that she finally cried endlessly before she got an appointment with her doctor. The quick solution while you are waiting on your doctor’s appointment is Azo Standard. Give it about an hour to work. Wear super absorbency disposable briefs while you are dripping urine and giving the Azo Standard time to work. Drink cranberry juice is what my urologist told me to do. He also put me on 3 antibiotics. They do not know why the Azo Standard works so well, but it is just absolutely great and is over the counter. I am not giving you advice in substitution for your doctor’s advice. Always check with your doctor. By the way, the super absorbency disposable underwear gets you from sitting on the toilet for hours while you just drip, drip, drip urine. I hope that this helps. I have lived with it for years………..
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