What are the symptoms for a staph infection

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Staph usually results in an abscess, boil or furuncle. The affected area may be red, swollen & painful. Drainage or pus is common. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-for-a-staph-infection ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms for a staph infection
A staph infection of the skin will cause symptoms such as an abcess, boil, and furuncle. The area affected with staph may be red, painful, and swollen. Also drainage or pus is common. If you suspect you have this be safe and get it checked …
Staph cellulitis usually begins as a small area of tenderness, swelling, and redness. Sometimes it begins with an open sore. Other times, there is no break in the skin at all — and it’s anyone’s guess where the bacteria came from. The sign…
Symptoms of MRSA will vary. This is dependant upon which area of the body is affected with the mrsa or staph infection. The most common symptom of MRSA presents as a skin infection. Very often this appears as an abscess or perhaps a boil. M…

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Can staph infection symptoms come on instantly?
Q: When my mother had a oxegyn tube taken out of her nose from having a proceedure performed, her nasal passage (1 side) started itching up inside bad. She was miserable. That night her nose ran like a faucet. A drugist told her it sound like it was an allergic reaction. Her family dr today, which I call a quack, said it was staph infection. Gave her 2 antibiotics and some ointment. Can staph come on that quick?
A: It certainly can. 30% of the worlds population carry the Staph bacterium in their nasal cavities…What is MRSA?Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus is a common type of staph bacterium which lives on the skin and in the nasal passages of around 30% of the population. Mostly, this staph aureus bacterium does no harm and does not pose a problem with infection or require a cure. But, like many bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus has the ability to pose a serious infection problem, if you are feeling run down, ill, injured or if you have undergone any form of surgery. It can cause a very serious staph infection, if it enters the body, such as through open wounds, or instruments placed in the body, or by cross-contamination from another patient, nursing staff or specialist. Without proper treatment, this can lead to death or be difficult to cure.MRSA infections are most commonly transmitted from person to person by touch. It is also possible to acquire MRSA infection from dust containing contaminated skin particles or from objects in the environment, or from surfaces that may be contaminated with the MRSA bacterium.An antibiotic called Methicillin was used for the treatment and cure of infections caused by staph bacterium. The term ‘Methicillin resistant’ means that this type of antibiotic can no longer kill 100% of the staph bacterium and another antibiotic needs to be used, if available. If Methicillin can no longer be used for the treatment and cure of Staphylococcus aureus infection, it is medically referred to as MRSA.The Causation of MRSAAntibiotics have been in use for many years as a successfull treatment and cure for staph infections. However, these antibiotics have been overused, misused and over prescribed as a cure for staph aureus infection for many years. It is fairly common for people to not complete a course of antibiotics, or not use as prescribed. If this happens, it is probable that not 100% of the bacterium that caused staph infection will have been killed. Surviving staph bacterium develop a resistance to this antibiotic and multiply. As more and more antibiotics are prescribed, the number of staph bacterium that are able to resist those antibiotics become more numerous. The biggest problem with the use of antibiotics, is that they are non-focused. Therefore, they do not discriminate between good and bad bacteria, otherwise known as ‘Flora’ which can be found in the large intestines and form a large part of the bodies immune system. Without this immune system protection, ‘superbugs’ are free to develop.Treatment of MRSAMRSA can be treated with different antibiotics to Methicillin. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult. Medications, such as antiseptic wash and certain ointments can be used to remove MRSA from the nasal passages and skin. Even when it is doing no harm to the individual. However, there is now a new product that has been proven to be effective in killing all MRSA bacterium and a lot of other known pathogens. The New Silver Solution is non-toxic, proven in multiple tests at 200 times the recommended dosage. The New Silver Solution is the first colloidal silver product to attain a new patent in over 80 years. This product can be used internally, externally and as a surfectant, to both prevent and cure MRSA infection. The New Silver Solution can also be used with animals and all our test data shows it to be very effective.http://www.mrsamedical.com/
What are the symptoms of a staph infection?
Q: What kind of symptoms do you get? How painful is the site of the infection? How does staph look? A Staphylococcus Aureus or staph infection?
A: Like many healthy people, you probably have some Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — usually simply called staph — on your skin or in your nose or throat. Most of the time, the bacteria cause no problems or relatively minor skin infections. But staph infections can turn deadly if the bacteria burrow deeper into your body, invading your bloodstream, urinary tract, lungs and heart.Staph infections can range from minor skin problems to food poisoning, fatal pneumonia, surgical wound infections and endocarditis, a life-threatening inflammation of your heart lining. As a result, signs and symptoms of staph infections vary widely, depending on the location and severity of the infection and on whether your illness results from direct infection with staph bacteria or from toxins the bacteria produce. * Skin infections. Staph bacteria cause most skin infections, including boils; cellulitis, a potentially life-threatening infection that leaves skin inflamed and tender; impetigo, a rash common in young children and infants; and scalded skin syndrome, a serious, blistering condition that mainly affects newborns. Though each condition has specific features, most begin with skin redness, swelling, warmth, tenderness and sometimes fever. Some staph infections are localized; others can cover your entire body. * Food poisoning. Signs and symptoms of staph-related food poisoning usually come on quickly — as soon as one to six hours after eating contaminated food. They include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The illness often leaves just as suddenly as it came, and most people recover in a day or two, though the effects can be more serious and longer lasting in children and older adults. * Toxic shock syndrome. This life-threatening condition, which has been linked to the use of certain types of tampons and less often, to skin wounds and surgery, usually develops suddenly, with a high fever, nausea and vomiting, a rash on your palms and soles that resembles sunburn, confusion, muscle aches, seizures and headache. * Septic arthritis. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which may result from an overzealous immune system, or osteoarthritis, which develops after years of wear and tear on joints, septic arthritis is often caused by a staph infection. The bacteria usually target the knees, but other joints can be affected, including your ankle, hip, wrist, elbow and shoulder. You’re likely to have swelling and severe pain in the affected joint, along with fever and shaking chills. * Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In the 1970s, a particularly dangerous and drug-resistant form of staph infection called MRSA appeared in hospitals. It was one of the first bacteria to outwit common antibiotics. MRSA infections often begin as a superficial skin problem that resembles a pimple or spider bite, but which can quickly turn into a deep, painful abscess that requires surgical draining. Infections in surgical wounds cause pain, redness, swelling and sometimes draining pus. If the bacteria spread deeper into your body, they can cause fatal infections in your bloodstream, bones, heart lining or lungs. The symptoms vary, depending on which part of your body is affected, but most infections are accompanied by fever, chills and sweats. * Community-associated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. (CA-MRSA). Once confined to hospitals, a new kind of MRSA is now increasingly common in the general community. Called CA-MRSA, some community-acquired strains cause skin infections or a deadly pneumonia. Signs and symptoms, which are similar to those of other types of pneumonia, include cough, shortness of breath and chest pain, but the bacteria also cause massive inflammation and destruction of lung tissue.-
How long does it take for symptoms of staph infection show up in a skin wound??
Q: I cut my hand pretty bad today at 7PM, went to the ER, I was treated at about 9 PM (They cleaned it with sodium chloride and applied stitches, then neosporin, and a band aid).If my wound were to be infected, how long would it be before symptoms show up? A day? A week?
A: A couple days. Staph infection will move quickly and you will notice redness and warmth around the cut and this can be very painful. Watch it closely and keep it clean. If it develops redness and puss with heat and increased soreness, go back to your doctor to have it treated. Good luck!
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