What are the signs of impetigo

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Skin lesion on the face or lips, or on the arms or legs, Itching blisters, rash and Lymphadenopathy (lymph nodes may be swollen). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-of-impetigo ]
More Answers to “What are the signs of impetigo
What are the signs of Impetigo ?
The infection appears as skin blisters which later break down to become superficial sores with golden-yellow “stuck on” crusts on the surface. Common sites affected are the face, nasal openings, arms, buttocks and legs.
Is impetigo a sign of poor hygiene?
Not at all. Impetigo is very common in all children and it is easily spread. It has little to do with poor hygiene and lack of care. If your child has eczema, their skin is damaged so putting them at a higher risk of impetigo. Just follow o…
What are the signs and symptoms of impetigo?
Impetigo often starts as a sore near the nose or mouth, or in an injured area of your skin. The infection starts as a red sore that may blister and form a crust. The skin may be itchy, but it usually does not hurt. Within one to three days …

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Impetigo signs symptons and cures?
Q: im doing a report for school trying to find out about impetigo signs symptons and cures and what happens if it goes untreated
A: SymptomsSkin lesion on the face or lips, or on the arms or legs, spreading to other areas. Typically this lesion begins as a cluster of tiny blisters which burst, followed by oozing and the formation of a thick honey- or brown-colored crust that is firmly stuck to the skin.Itching blister:Filled with yellow or honey-colored fluidOozing and crusting overRash (may begin as a single spot, but if person scrathes it, it may spread to other areas).In infants, a single or possibly multiple blisters filled with pus, easy to pop and — when broken — leave a reddish raw-looking base.Lymphadenopathy — local lymph nodes near the infection may be swollen.Treatment The goal is to cure the infection and relieve the symptoms.A mild infection is typically treated with a prescription antibacterial cream such as mupirocin. Oral antibiotics such as erythromycin or dicloxacillin are also frequently prescribed, and result in rapid clearing of the lesions.Wash the skin several times a day, preferably with an antibacterial soap, to remove crusts and drainage.Prevent the spread of infection. Use a clean washcloth and towel each time. Do not share towels, clothing, razors, and so on with other family members. Wash the hands thoroughly after touching the skin lesions.UntreatedA systemic infection could lead to kidney failure (post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis). This is a rare occurrence.Permanent skin damage and scarring may occur (also extremely rare).
Does any one know any home remidies for impetigo?
Q: i am showing signs of impetigo on my face and i am going to Victoria for easter and i want it to be gone in at least three days or sooner!
A: I couldn’t say how long it may take for the appearance to subside but it is just not true that there is no other way to cure impetigo but by a prescription antibiotic. Webmd says a mild case can be cured simply by washing often with soap and water. As a home remedy, my family always used tea tree oil, but there are many other ways to treat it. A quick search on a web engine will show dozens of home remedies.
Impetigo skin symptoms?
Q: How long after coming in contact with impetigo will you show signs of it (if you do get it)
A: Common symptomsImpetigo takes up to four days to develop the signs of infection. This is called the ‘incubation period’. Following this: The skin itches and reddens A collection of blisters forms, commonly around the nose and mouth The blisters pop and weep a yellow, sticky fluid The area develops a raised and wet-looking crust The scab dries and falls off The skin completely heals after a few dayshttp://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcArticles.nsf/pages/Impetigo_or_school_sores?OpenDocument
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