What are the signs of heat stroke

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the signs of heat stroke”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of heat stroke can sometimes mimic those of heart attack or other conditions. Sometimes a person experiences (more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-of-heat-stroke ]
More Answers to “What are the signs of heat stroke
hyperermia, neurological, heat cramps, heat exhaustion
Pets that are over-heated will often pant excessively and seem weak. They may not want to move around much and in some instances will actually collapse from heat exhaustion. The most tell-tale sign that a pet has heat stroke is to take his/…
Serious signs that indicate a medical emergency and require immediate medical attention include unconsciousness, rapid heartbeat, throbbing headache, dry skin, chest pain, mental confusion, irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
Q: I was working outside this weekend and it was around 98 degrees. I got really tired pretty quick and my skin was red and splotchy. I just wanted to know if these were signs of heat exhaustion. Thanks!
A: Symptoms could be absence of sweating, hot red flushed dry skin, difficulty breathing,confusion,agitation,nausea,vomiting, increased body tempt. If this occurs it is best to call 911. Get the person into a shaded area. Take as many of their clothes off as you can. If there is a water hose around then wet them down. If ice packs are available then put them under the arm pits and in the groin area. Get them some type of drink with electrolytes in it. If you have any avocado dip then try to get them to eat that, it is loaded with potassium. But make sure you call 911 if the person is lethargic.
What are the signs of food poising, and what are the signs of heat stroke???
A: food poisining-vomiting, feverheat stroke-fainting
what are the signs of heat stroke in rabbits?what do i do when this happens?
Q: i’m not sure if my rabbit has heat stroke….but i have to make sure especially its summer and its sooo~~~~ hot!!
A: Bunnies don’t pant but will during a heat stroke usually fall over and disoriented. You will need to keep him in the coolest place inthe house and plenty of fluids. If you see signs of heat stroke beginning sit next to the open refridgerator till you can get him settled and then take him to the vet
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