What are the signs of having tape worms

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Possible signs of tapeworm infection are nausea, weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-of-having-tape-worms ]
More Answers to “What are the signs of having tape worms
What are some signs of tape worm in humans?
Kendy, they were making a joke. People always say that when somebody has a desire to eat. If you truly had a tapeworm you would have severe abdominal pain and your stool might show something unusual. Pin worms are more easily detectable in …
What are the Signs of tapeworms in dogs?
The only sign of tapeworms in dogs is finding proglottids (small egg packets that look like rice) in their feces. However, these proglottids are shed sporadically and not generally in large numbers so tapeworm infections often go undiagnose…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the signs of tape worms inside me?
Q: I’m 15 and i weigh 150 lbs. and i can eat constantly without getting full. 1 time i ate 4 roast beef sandwiches and a couple hours later i ate 4 slices of pizza, i also drink pop like there’s no tomorrow. I am always tired and don’t want to move around alot. Do i have worms? How can you tell?
A: Its normal you are just growing. I was/am the same way. If you are concerned talk to your parents and your doctor. You would be malnurished from not recieving vitamins and such. You would start getting sickly looking.I Would recomend calling your doctor or physician.
What are signs of tape worms in Kittens.?
Q: I just got two adorable kittens, A boy & a little girl and the boy Kitten hasn’t gain hardly any weight but the girl has. The boy drinks a lot more water then usual. I kind of think this is related to tape worms but I could be wrong and hope I am, any info would help a lot.Thanks in advance
A: When the kittens are napping, pick them up and look at their butt or where they were laying. Tapeworm segments look like sesame seeds or small grains of rice. They tend to migrate out of the anus while the animals sleep. You’re supposed to take kittens to the vet by 8 weeks old to get dewormed and their first set of shots. If either kitten has a little pot belly, they might have other worms.
my dog has tape worms and gave him medicine and is shaky and nauseated are these normal signs?
A: Read the back and see if it is a side effect. If it is not, take him to the vet imediatly, he could be having an alergic reaction and could be in trouble. Even if it is on the back, take him in as soon as you can to make sure he is okay. Hurry!
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