What are the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

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Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms include joint pain and swelling, fatigue, malaise (feeling ill) loss of appetite, and muscle aches. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-and-symptoms-of-rheumatoid-arthritis ]
More Answers to “What are the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Signs and symptoms of RA may come and go. You may have signs and symptoms for a time, then they will get better, and start up again. You may feel joint pain or stiffness, especially in the morning or after long periods of not moving. Stiffn…
The most common extra-articular finding is the gradual appearance of rheumatoid nodules — subcutaneous, round or oval, nontender masses. These are seen in 20% of RA patients who are RF-positive. They usually appear on pressure areas, such a…
RA is an autoimmune inflammatory disease distinguished from other forms of arthritis by the pattern of joints involved. Inflammation from RA causes pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth, redness, loss of function in joints. RA affects the wrist…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can anyone explain to me the signs/symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
Q: And also, how does one develop it?I’m just curious. And have yet to find a good website.
A: RA is one of the most serious diseases that rheumatologists treat. Signs and symptoms include swollen and tender joints, especially in the morning. If the swelling and pain are after exercise, you may be looking at OA. There is no know cause for it, although there does seem to be a family correlation. RA is basically your immune system attacking your body. Tests and assessment can determine how aggressive the disease is. If you suspect you may have RA, go to your doctor asap and get referred to a rheumatologist. If the wait list is too long, ask if there is an early RA clinic you can go to. RA is one disease where you can hope for remission if you get treated really early, before joint damage is done. The most popular physician website is www.rheuminfo.com. You may also consider looking at www.arthritis.ca. www.arthritisU.com is another good overall learning site for physicians.If you do have RA, lead your treatment. What I mean by that is know what “progression” feels like and be quick to switch treatments if the one you are on doesn’t work really well. Some of the best treatments are only used after other, less effective treatments have failed. This is because of the nature of how the FDA and other governement organizations approve drug use and not necessarily reflective of the level of efficacy of a drug. There is also a small correlation between RA and some cancers.Hope that helps!
Nurses, i need help with health promotion for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients?
Q: I’m confused with health education for RA patients with health promotion for Ra patients. Can anyone gives me examples on health promotion for Ra patients?(i) Is comforting the patient from excruciating pain consider as health promotion?(ii) giving seminar about the disease itself to the community that talks about the disease,how it progress, what are the signs and symptoms is also consider as health promotion?(iii) correct me if I’m wrong, health education is to educate the patient about how the disease process, how to manage it etc and health promotion is to promote the health status of the patient itself that includes comforting them, giving awareness etc.
A: your right… education is very important. For a patient with RA the number one thing is pain control, like teach other techniques than drugs like warm packs/shower, massage, distraction like music or tv. Another one would be to educate them on proper ROM exercises to maintain and improve joint functions. Also inform them on protectin the joint and modifying daily tasks to cope with ADLs.And the number one health promotion would be to provide the community with education on ways to identify symptoms of RA to promote early diagnosis and tx.
They told me i had rheumatoid arthritis now they say I have a hypo parathyroid?
Q: Hi.Ok For probably 2 years now dr’s have been telling / treating me for Stills Disease – a form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.I have all sort of symptoms with like muscle pain/ cramps, bone pain, spasms that can be like super extention of a limb – i cant describe them properly but its like eI’ll be ok and all of a sudden one of my arms fly out so fast you can hardly follow its movement with your eye.Anyway I’m in pain 24/ 7 and also chronic fatigue – due to the pain not fatigued making me hurt.I also have hyper mobility where my joints over extend.Anyway I got a 2nd opinion recently and he did all of these blood tests and said that there is no sign of arthritis whatsoever! He did find that i’m vitamin D defficient and Iron defficient and have an underactive para thyroid.He said usually your calcium levels are meant to be low with the low parathyroid but mine are normal – but i’m on calcium tablets for a couple of years anyway.Anyway we dont really know where to go from here now. We are going to see an endochrinologist but just dont know what else we can do in the meantime.I’m in my senior year now at school so i really need to be healthy and that.Does anyone know anything about an underactive parathyroid cause i keep finding stuff on over active ones but the ones on under active are all written in medical mumbo jumbo so i really dont understand it.Has anyone had or been through anything similar? What happened to you?Is there any foods or anything i should avoid or supplements i should take?I dont really know what I’m trying to ask – but ANY information would really really be great.Just anything you know that could lead me in the right direction.Thankshappy new yearpeace
A: hypoparathyroidism. hmmm. parathyroid gland releases a hormone called parathyroid hormone. this hormone stimulates bone breakdown. which means the inner part f your bone is broken down. and when the bone is broken down its calcium is circulated in the blood. with hypo parathyroidism there is less parathyroid hormone. which means less bone breakdown and less blood calcium level. less calcium can lead to cramping and tetany.which means all signs of calcium deficiency you may encounter. i dont know if there is a hormone replacement therapy for you. but calcium supplements will help a little. if there is a hormone for you then you will probably be injected with it.
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