What are the risks of multiple c-sections

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the risks of multiple c-sections”,you can compare them.

One of the risks is a need for blood transfusions during delivery, the more c-sections, the higher risks. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-risks-of-multiple-c%26%2345%3Bsections ]
More Answers to “What are the risks of multiple c-sections
What are the risks having multiple c-sections back to back like w…?
I am 27 years old and am pregnant with my fourth child. My previous children were all C-sections. As with you my children were born close together. I became pregnant with my second child only 4 months after giving birth to my first one. At …
Are There Any Major Risks In Having A Multiple Birth After Previo…?
If you are asking, are there extra risks in giving birth to multiples if you have had a previous C-section — the answer is, really “We don’t know, but we don’t think so”. There are just too few data points to be sure. Keep in min…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are risks later on in life after multiple c-sections?
Q: I had my fourth c-section 8 years ago. I am still numb where my incision is, are there any other risks that can come of so many sections later on? Can u develope hernias or stomach problems? Are you prone to anything? Just need to know.
A: I had three c-sections and am now as old as Methuselah with absolutely no problems. If I were a vain person, I would worry because my abdomen has gotten a tiny little bit fat and the scar area kind of dips in a bit. But nothing gross to look at though.
Are women really being warned of the dangers of multiple c-sections?
Q: So many women are getting c-sections these days because they think it is “easier”. Are women being warned that the risks of placenta percreta or even accreta are higher with each c-section. I almost died with my third c-section because the placenta grew into my uterus, actually through my uterus and into my bladder. It required 12 hours of surgery, 27 pints of blood and a hysterectomy. My baby was born 13 weeks early. Sorry for the rant but I am frustrated at all the questions about c-sections being an “easier” delivery. It is major surgery with major risks.Please google “Too Posh To Push” if you think women do not have a choice in birthing their babies.
A: I don’t think they are being warned, but personally I don’t know anyone that elected to have a c-section. They were all for medical reasons.
How safe is it to have multiple cesareans?
Q: I am a mother of three; I babygirl in in heaven now being the angel that I always knew she was. Now, I only have my two boys with me. I had been thinking about having another child but, after I had my daughter, I felt my family was complete and I got my tubes tied at the age of 22. Now I long to have another child. I have already had 3 c-sections and I have a condition called endometriosis which can cause infertility. I want the reversal surgery so I can be able to have more children and then there is the risk of chancing another c-section. If anybody out there has any experiences like the one I’m longing to experience please let me know. I’ve read that a vaginal birth can be tried after multiple c-sections but, alot of risks go along with that. I need info on reversal surgeries and having multiple c-sections please! Thank you all in advance!
A: I myself have never had a C-section but an aquaintance of mine has 8 children ranging in age from 20- 2 and has had C-sections for all of her children. My best friend’s mother had 7 children and had 7 C-sections. My best friend has had 3 C-sections. I have heard that once you have one that sometimes it is better to continue to have them. But after having the 3 C-sections my friend gave birth to two other children vaginally. It must be safe because they are all healthy and recovered nicely after each one.
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