What are the effects of Downs Syndrome

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Common Down syndrome effects can include thyroid problems, hearing problems, congenital heart disease, eye problems, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-downs-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of Downs Syndrome
What are the physical effects of downs syndrome?
the extra genetic material can widely alter any bodily organ or process, as well as lower life expectancy to avg of 45, most who live past this succumb to Alzheimers
What is the effect of Down’s syndrome?
Since it is a complex mix of genes and environment intersection, Down’s syndrome effects vary widely and differ from person to person. It may affect any organ or any body part. Down’s syndrome causes facial and structural distortion to the …
What are the causes and effects of down syndrome?
Down Syndrome Symptoms. Symptoms of Down Syndrome could include mental retardation, developmental delay, simian crease, and poor muscle tone…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

describe a potential reason for all of the effects of trisomy 21 Down syndrome as a function of the genes invo?
Q: describe a potential reason for all of the effects of trisomy 21 Down syndrome as a function of the genes involved and their expression.
A: Genes on chromosome 21 that may have input into Down syndrome include:Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1)– overexpression may cause premature aging and decreased function of the immune system; its role in Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type or decreased cognition is still speculative COL6A1 — overexpression may be the cause of heart defects ETS2 — overexpression may be the cause of skeletal abnormalities CAF1A — overexpression may be detrimental to DNA synthesis Cystathione Beta Synthase (CBS) — overexpression may disrupt metabolism and DNA repair DYRK — overexpression may be the cause of mental retardation CRYA1 — overexpression may be the cause of cataracts GART — overexpression may disrupt DNA synthesis and repair IFNAR — the gene for expression of Interferon, overexpression may interfere with the immune system as well as other organ systems
describe a potential reason for all of the effects of trisomyd 21 Down syndrome as a function of the eff?
Q: describe a potential reason for all of the effects of trisomy 21 Down syndrome as a function of the genes involved and their expression
A: Genes on chromosome 21 that may have input into Down syndrome include:Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1)– overexpression may cause premature aging and decreased function of the immune system; its role in Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type or decreased cognition is still speculative COL6A1 — overexpression may be the cause of heart defects ETS2 — overexpression may be the cause of skeletal abnormalities CAF1A — overexpression may be detrimental to DNA synthesis Cystathione Beta Synthase (CBS) — overexpression may disrupt metabolism and DNA repair DYRK — overexpression may be the cause of mental retardation CRYA1 — overexpression may be the cause of cataracts GART — overexpression may disrupt DNA synthesis and repair IFNAR — the gene for expression of Interferon, overexpression may interfere with the immune system as well as other organ systems
what is the phenotype effect on down syndrome?
Q: I have a research paper for honors Biology and i need to fine out more about the disorders and one of them is down syndrome and i need to find what is the phenotype effect of downsyndrome? i have no clue
A: A phenotype is the physical expression of a gene. Thus, the phenotypic (physical) effect of Down’s syndrome includes characteristic facial features, short stature, heart defects, suspectibility to respiratory infe ction, susceptibility to leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease, sterility, and mental retardation.
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