What are the causes of eye headaches

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Stress, premenstrual changes, alcohol consumption, hunger, or the use of oral contraceptives can cause ocular migraines. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-causes-of-eye-headaches ]
More Answers to “What are the causes of eye headaches
Do eye problems cause headaches?
Headaches are a very common health problem. They can have many different causes. Sometimes, but not usually, eye problems are a cause.
Can nystagmus increase eye strain or cause headaches??
There are so many types of nystagmus that I’d have to say that sometimes it could lead to eye strain.  Headaches are so common however, that I think their occurrence with nystagmus may just be a coincidence.
Can being close to a power plant cause headaches/eye pain while v…?
Do you wear eye glasses or contact lense to correct your vision? Eye-related headaches typically occur after extended periods of reading, watching television, computer work, or other close work that requires intense concentration. This typ…

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Q: I took ibuprofin to make it go away but it came back…it is around my left eye area. not the temples.
A: Underneath your eyes is your sinal cavity. It’s very likely that you’re having a headache due to pressure in your sinuses, or an infection.There are a few different over-the-counter sinus medications, or prescription ones to clear you out.
Can being close to a power plant cause headaches/eye pain while viewing movies on my LCD?
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A: Do you wear eye glasses or contact lense to correct your vision?Eye-related headaches typically occur after extended periods of reading, watching television, computer work, or other close work that requires intense concentration. This type of headache usually disappears after a period of rest. In some cases, headaches may be caused by eyestrain related to eyeglasses. A tendency for the eyes to cross or drift outward may also bring on headaches.One eye problem known to cause an intense headache is angle-closure glaucoma. With this type of glaucoma, the headache is only part of the problem. Patients suffering from an angle-closure attack also may experience nausea, intense pain around the eye, blurred vision, and haloes around lights. Headaches caused by eye disease are unique in their symptoms and types of pain. It is important to make detailed notes of your symptoms, type of pain, lifestyle and what you were doing when the headache began. This information is very helpful to the physician to diagnose the type and cause of the headache you are experiencing.The symptoms from headaches can be extremely variable and depend on the underlying problem. Because of the scope of the various types and causes is so immense, the following the headaches are described with the typical symptoms as they relate to the eye.Headaches related to eye fatigue:Headaches that begin after an extended period of reading, computer use, watching television, or close work Burning eyes Fatigue MigrainesThrobbing pain Sensitivity to light and sound Nausea and vomiting Visual “aura” including: light flashes, jagged lights, missing areas of vision Acute angle-closure glaucomaIntense headache that is usually centralized over brow area Nausea and vomiting Glare or haloes around lights Stress relief, control of blood pressure, or medication to maintain appropriate hormonal levels may be necessary. New glasses or different work lighting may be prescribed by your doctor.If you have persistent headaches, it is important to consult your medical doctor about them for a medical evaluation.
What causes headaches to radiate to the left eye?
Q: How do you relieve it?
A: Mine radiates to the right, and my boyfriend’s center between the two–it’s always different.Take some Excedrin migraine and then take a long, hot shower. In thirty minutes, you’ll feel great.
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