What are the beginning symptoms of the H1N1 virus

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The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the those of regular human flu: fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-beginning-symptoms-of-the-h1n1-virus ]
More Answers to “What are the beginning symptoms of the H1N1 virus
How long till influenza symptoms begin to appear after initial co…?
You can have the virus for a while and never show any symptoms (be carriers of the virus) or be infected but don’t show the symptoms for up to 72 hours or 3 days. But in most cases people will show symptoms within the first 24-48 hours of i…
How long is the incubation period of the virus i.e. before you be…?
The incubation period of the swine flu is one to seven days.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long (time) does the H1N1 virus take before SYMPTOMS start?
Q: I understand, I am being a bit overly-cautious, but as my 102 y.o. Grandmother still advises; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”How long (duration-time) does the current H1N1 virus take to begin showing “effects” on the body?I am “amongst the crowd” where hand-shaking is very commonplace.I hear so many reports that advise against this courtesy with the current H1N1 virus-threat that I am researching this virus records.I do try to wash my hands as often as practical, but with the upcoming Holidays, this is a less practiced habit than what is advised.
A: You’re asking about the incubation period and it’s from 2 – 4 days. Holidays notwithstanding, if hand washing is a less practiced habit for you then that’s your decision. It’s a well-known fact, at least among the medical community, that hands are the biggest vector of disease transmission.
How quickly do you go downhill with the H1N1 flu virus?
Q: If you get H1N1, how quickly do you go downhill from the moment you get your first symptoms? Does it progress quickly from “first symptom” to “totally miserable”? Or does it take a few days? Please describe how your symptoms progressed from the beginning.
A: When I started getting H1N1, I had a slight headache. That led to a fever, and overnight I threw up maybe twice. The next day I felt very tired and weak. And moving made me dizzy. But after that day, and onto the third day of being sick, I felt pretty ok. I still had a bit of dizziness, but by morning the following day, I was fine.H1N1, depending on your health, is pretty much like seasonal flu.
whats the incubation period of this virus (swine or a new strain of H1N1 influenza A virus)?
Q: Interesting – a new strain of H1N1 influenza A viru.I wonder what the incubation period is?How many days BEFORE one has symptoms are they unaware and in public, and therefore spreading the virus.For instance, I understand the HIV pathology shows that a person with HIV can be spreading the disease for 6 months before he/she can be diagnosed.Generally, viruses are spreadable for a certain number of days before the patient KNOWS they have an illness. I wonder what that period is for this new strain of H1N1 influenza A virus.It appears that one CSULB student is confined with an “apparent” swine flu and is being confined til proven positive or false. Meanwhile another student said that last Friday she had been in class and coughing all over the place.Of course- as with any virus or illness, exposure doesnt mean you will get it.Pasteur on his death bed said that he was wrong – the pathogens werent the main players, the “terrain” was.Summing it up- the super healthy will ward it off because they have great terrain. (and thats what an Immune system is for!)And in any flu passing through, thats why the very young and the very old are the usual ones to die.Officially we are supposed to stay 6 feet away from each other- and wash our hands long enough to sing the entire Happy Birthday song.I am probably living on the edge- I kissed my hubby on the mouth without brushing my teeth, Then we each went through a loud pantomime of coughing and hacking and spitting and kissed again. Monogamy does have its priviledges,I am also thinking that there must be plenty of cases where people dont report their flu. If I was sick with a fever and flu-like symptoms, I would be too sick to sit in a doctors office to wait my turn. I wouldnt go to an ER because knowing I was in a weakened state, I wouldnt want to be in proximity of people even MORE sick.So there have to be more cases around that dont get to the place of diagnosis or “counting”.ANYWAY – whats the incubation/spreadable period before symptoms begin?Anyone know?
A: According to the CDC the incubation period is between 2 and 6 days.
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