What are symtoms of Bronchitis

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Symptoms of bronchitis include the following: A cough that is frequent and produces mucus. A lack of energy. A wheezing MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symtoms-of-bronchitis ]
More Answers to “What are symtoms of Bronchitis
・ Fever, chills. ・ Soreness and tightness in chest. ・ Some pain below breastbone during deep breathing ・ Some shortness of breath
Symptoms of Bronchitis is similar to a Severe Asthma attack. The only difference is Bronchitis sounds like wheezing (a lot of wheezing), difficulty breathing, chest pain. high temperature and sometimes a cough or bringing up green or discol…
Symptoms of bronchitis include the following: A cough that is frequent and produces mucus A lack of energy A wheezing sound when breathing, which may or may not be present A fever, which may or may not be present

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Q: about four days ago I woke up with a sore throat and a slightly runny nose due to allergies. My mom looked at my thraot and it was red. After two days of having a sore thoat, I developed a cough. It’s not a deep barking cough, but it feels like a tickle in my throat. I cough and so sometimes small amouts of phlem come up. Not a lot but some. The phlem is light in color. I have asthma. A few years a go I had really bad bronchitis, but I don’t remember it’s very begining stages. Could this be the start of bronchitis?
A: chest pain, shortness of breath.
describe the symtoms of chronic bronchitis,emphysema n lung cancer?
Q: A-level thanks in advance
A: Chronic bronchitis- persistent cough,productive cough,breathlessness,mild fever,mild chest pain.examplesEmphysema-shortness of breath,coughing with phlegm. Lung cancer-having a cough most of the time,a change in cough that you have had for a long time,coughing up phlegm with signs of blood in it,ache and pains when breathing,loss of appetite,fatigue, losing weight. You can type any of these in to a web search and get more information hope i could help.
Breastfeeding moms would you let a child you were babysitting who has bronchitis go around your 5 month old?
Q: I feel bad because she has no money to pay anyone else. I do it for free. I have a 7 yr old too. who when he gets sick he GETS SICK it lasts forever!Will my baby get sick even if I am breastfeeding.By the way this 6 yr olds symtoms just started yesterday evening and her mom is staying home with her today. But what about Tuesday wed thurs friday?
A: I would think as a mother she would find a way to have someone else watch her or stay home with her until she is better since she has such a kind person like you to watch her everyday for free.
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