What are symptoms of ovarian cysts

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Symptoms include Menstrual irregularities & Pelvic pain, but often there are no symptoms at all. To know for sure go to your dr. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-ovarian-cysts ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of ovarian cysts
My cousin had these recently. Her symptoms were: heavy bleeding when she had her period and very sore period pains where she was unable to stand and kneeling was all she could handle. With these symptoms she was taken straight to the doct…
Ovarian cysts often cause no symptoms; however when symptoms are present, ovarian cysts may cause a dull ache or a sense of fullness or pressure in the abdomen. Pain during intercourse and at other times can also indicate the presence of ov…
Introduction Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Symptoms of ovarian cysts Most ovarian cysts are small, benign (harmless) and do not produce any symptoms. Symptoms of large cysts Large cysts may cause problems, so it is important to speak …

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What are the symptoms of Ovarian Cysts?
Q: Can a pap smear detect ovarian cysts? I have pelvic pain, my ovaries hurt, I have PMS symptoms but I am not PMSing, my legs and back hurt too. has anyone ever experienced this before?
A: Cyst tend to develop in women after theyve had quite a few kids…..I was 15 years old I woke up at 6 am in the morning with a sharp pain in my bottom abdomen and pain in my back i kept bending forward to supress the pain i was ok at first i didnt seem to think anything of it since i thought they were pre-pms symptoms so i ignored it an hour later i woke up screaming not being able to straighten up i was curled up with my knees to my chest and my hand holding my abdomen…..I dint know what was wrong with me so my parents rushed me to the ER and in less then a 3 minute explanation of what i felt i was rushed to the OR and the Surgeons discovered that I had Bening Ovarian Cyst and a Orange Size Tumors inside my Ovaries My Left OVary was cut off with only 2 mm left to reproduce and my right ovarian was comptlely removed……..You may not experince death harsh pain but just a lil pain in the the back or cramping could mean whether you keeping youre ovaries or not SO GO TO THE ER RIGHT AWAY PLEASE>>….OH YEAH AN INSIDE PELVIC EXAM COULD TELL YOU IF YES OR NO NOT A PAP SMEAR….
What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer vs. ovarian cysts?
Q: I had an ovarian cyst about two years ago. My sister has PCOS and there’s a good chance that I have it as well. I’m more concerned that I have a possible tumor though. I looked up the symptoms for ovarian cancer and I have almost all of them except for maybe one or two. I’m really scared. I’m only 17 and I have no idea how to approach my parents about it. If I do have something wrong with me though, I don’t want to wait until it’s too late to try and get help. I also have symptoms that could possibly just be another cyst, although I did just get my period so I don’t think that it could be a cyst. It could even be uterine prolapse, but those symptoms aren’t the same as the gassy, abdominal pain and back pain I usually have particulary the week before and the week after my period. I also have a lot of underarm perspiration. Could this be another sign? Mostly I’m just scared that it might be to late and though I’m a strong Christian and I understand that there is a reason for everything.
A: It is usually not best to diagnose yourself without about 10 years of medical education and specialization – and even then it isn’t a good idea. Make an appointment with your ob/gyn or family practitioner if you are worried about it.
Are these symptoms of ovarian cysts and should i be worried?
Q: I was told i have a cyst and was not that concerned until i started having some symptoms. Really dark brown discharge or blood, shoulder pain and a fever a times. Should i go to the doctors again?
A: It’s worth going back to the doctor again to save you worrying and letting your mind go on overdrive about all the things that could be wrong … like I always do.I also recently read an article about natural cures because I’ve been having some ovarian cyst symptoms lately, I’d do anything to avoid surgery. I’ve put the link to the article below.
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