What are symptoms of liver failure

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are symptoms of liver failure”,you can compare them.

Some early symptoms include: nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue and diarrhea. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-liver-failure ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of liver failure
The initial symptoms of liver failure are often ones that can be due to any number or conditions. Because of this, liver failure may be initially difficult to diagnose. Early symptoms include:・ Nausea Loss of appetite Fatigue Diarrhea ・ J…
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Liver failure includes the 7 symptoms listed below: * Early symptoms depend on the underlying cause * Jaundice * Brain disorders – as waste products build up in the blood becau…
Symptoms of Liver failure: see symptoms of Liver failure

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Q: I overdosed on tylonal 3 about a month and a half ago, presently I feel great, I’ve changed my ways and become healthy…..am I still at risk of liver failure?
A: Liver failure from overdosing on tylenol happens acutely, meaning that if it has been a month ago and it did not happen, it will never happen. You are ok.
What are the very first symptoms of liver failure?
Q: In humans, what are the first symptoms.
A: Jaundice is usual, because the bilorubin generated by the breakdown of blood cells isn’t metabolised. Skin darkens, and the body bruises easily. A swollen abdomen comes about through fluid retention, too.
What are this symptoms of liver failure, and how long does it take?
Q: A friend has Hepatitis C and couldn’t tolerate the medication. Are there options for treatment besides the Inteferon? Anything natural to help with the fatigue, etc.
A: milk thistle. natural, holistic cure. it works, but it also depends on how advanced it is.
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