What are symptoms of brain cancer

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Symptoms of brain cancer include: behavioral and emotional changes, impaired judgment impaired sense of smell, memory loss MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-brain-cancer ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of brain cancer
The most common symptoms of brain cancer are weakness, difficulty walking seizures , and headaches . Other common symptoms are nausea, vomiting , blurry vision, or a change in a person’s alertness, mental capacity, memory, speech, or person…
No one says this disease as Brain cancer.It is called Tumor. A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain. Many different types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors a…
Symptoms will vary depending on the type of brain cancer and the location of the cancer in the brain.  General symptoms can include: ・ Seizures ・ Memory loss or changes in memory ・ Headaches ・ Changes in speech, hearing, vision ・ Nu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the symptoms of brain cancer?
Q: my brain hurts i think i have brain cancer. what do i do?
A: Symptoms of a brain tumor depend mainly on the size of the tumor and its location in the brain. Many patients first notice a headache that comes and goes. The headache may be especially bad in the morning and then fade during the day. (It’s important to note, though, that the vast majority of headaches are not related to brain tumors, and if you suffer headaches frequently, over a long time, a change in their pattern may not necessarily indicate a tumor either. Check with your doctor if you are in doubt.) About half of patients with a brain tumor will have seizures — electrical surges in the brain that can cause convulsions and, in some instances, a loss of consciousness. Many patients develop changes in their behavior or personality, including problems with memory, speech, and concentration. Body movement and sensation can also suffer; some people have numbness in the arms or legs, feel weak and uncoordinated, or stumble when they walk. Still other people will have none of these symptoms or have different symptoms altogether, depending on their body and their particular form of the disease.
What are some symptoms of brain cancer?
Q: THIS QUESTION IS FOR ANY DOCTORS OUT THERE OR PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN TO MEDICAL SCHOOL!What has been happening to me:I am confused a lot of the time and mixing up wordsMy hair has been coming out very easilyI have been forgetting EVERYTHING!I have lost some recent memoriesI have been having migraines that have been so bad I have had to go to the emergency room, becasue they make me pass out!!!Cancer runs in my family and several people have died from it!What should I do and do you think I have brain cancer?
A: As someone who has the experience of brain cancer PLEASE go to a doctor ASAP!!! My husband who never had headaches suddenly started getting very severe ones. They would be so bad he couldn’t function. He couldn’t speak like he use to. He had a major loss of coordination. He also started drinking ALOT to mask the pain. Also his blood pressure shot up. This is what ended up sending him to the hospital. I tried to get him to go when the headaches started but he wouldn’t. It took 2 months from the point they started to the day he went to the hospital. He had surgery to remove the tumor that they could get to 2 days after being admitted. He then started radiation and chemo. It has been almost 3 years since this happened. PLEASE go to the doctor. Don’t wait.I’m not a doctor I just know what my husband has been through and his signs. It’s better to go and find out it isn’t cancer and maybe just stress related than to not go and get alot worse.
What are symptoms for brain cancer and blood clots in the brain?
Q: Because, for a while now i’ve been waking up feeling like my head has alot of pressure on it and that im going to chuck, as the day goes on it goes away a little bit but if i get a little bit active all the same stuff comes back…. is this something i should be worried about? On top of all that im only 16 (17 in less than 2 days) Thanks in advance
A: It sounds like a sinus pressure headache. Try taking a decongestant pain reliever tablet that contains pseudoephedrine and acetaminophen. You may have allergies to something in your home, or a seasonal allergy that’s making your sinuses congested. If the decongestant makes you feel better, try taking an over-the-counter allergy medication, the 12-hour kind, and see if the headaches go away.Waking up with a headache can also be a symptom of high blood pressure. You’re only 17, so you shouldn’t worry about that. It can also be a sign that you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. If taking a decongestant doesn’t help your headache, then it’s time to see a doctor.Because of your age, I would not suspect a brain tumor or an aneurysm, unless you have a very strong family history of stroke, blood clots, or cancer at an early age. You should consider more common and mundane causes for your headaches first.
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