What are styes

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A sty, or stye, is an inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-styes ]
More Answers to “What are styes
What are Styes?
Medical names: external hordeolum, internal hordeolum, meibomian stye Other names: eyelash stye, eyelid stye Styes are infections of the glands around the eyelashes and under the upper and lower eyelids that may be associated with stress or…
How to Get Rid of Styes
・ 1 Use a towel to apply a warm compress to your eye for approximately 15 minutes to help speed up the… ・ 2 Limit your use of cosmetics when you have a stye, especially eye creams, lotions and makeup, to help… ・ 3 Stop wearing your cont…
Are eye styes contagious?
My husband has a problem with getting styes in his eyes and NO they are not contagious. Now, it will take a few days for the drops to start working. To help the process you need to use a warm compress on the eye (in this case eyes) twice a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Any remedies for getting rid of styes faster. And any remedies 4 the pain.
A: Because the infected tissue is deep within the eyelid, the use of topical antibiotics is ineffective in treatment. In most mild cases of hordeolum (stye), the use of hot compresses is sufficient to cause the gland to drain.We can already treat eye styes in home. Bathing the eye for 10 minutes several times a day, with cotton wool soaked in warm water, may help the stye to come to a head, and the pus to discharge. Do not try to squeeze a stye, as it usually drains by itself.1 tsp of coriander seeds should be boiled in a cup of water. Use this preparation to wash the eyes 3 to 4 times a day.. Tea bags could be used for cure of styes in eye. Wet tea bags and place it over the eyes for 8-10 minutes. Use it for several times a day. You would be surprised that this really works and gives a fast relief.
What causes continuous eye styes to reappear?
Q: I have had 6 eye styes in the last 2 months on the same eye. What could this be?
A: Be sure that you don’t rub your eyes!!! If you wear contacts you need to dispose of the contacts the case and the bottle of contact solution as the tip could be contaminated. I’m sorry, I didn’t notice if you’re male or female…but depending..you need to throw out any eye make-up you’ve been using. A Dr. once told me to wash around my eyes with Johnson’s baby shampoo. If you accidentally get it in your eye it doesn’t burn. Good luck! Oh…and I know it’s hard to remember not to rub your eyes, but make sure you wash your hands frequently…for those times that you forget about the eye rubbing!
How can I avoid getting styes in my eye?
Q: I’ve had 3 in the past 2 months, all in the same eye. I’ve already seen a doctor, and he prescribed an antibiotic ointment, but I’d really like to avoid them all together, because I can’t wear my contacts when I have the stye. The doctor says they aren’t related to my contacts. Any suggestons on how to avoid getting more styes?
A: From my understanding of styes (and please do not quote me on this I am not an eye care practitioner), a stye is a gland that is blocked located at the edge of the eye lid which has become infected by bacteria usually “Staphylococcus aureus”. this type of bacteria is usually transmitted through human to human contact according to Wikipedia found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staphylococcus_aureus. It was also recently noted that the infection can also be transmitted /spread through pets. As stated at the following link;http://www.contactlensking.com/eyehealth.aspx , “Once the stye has ‘pointed’, it can usually be expressed (squeezed gently to empty its contents), after which the lids should be cleaned. Treatment with the ointment should be continued until symptoms have cleared. Sometimes it is necessary for the stye to be lanced by an eye care practitioner to assist with expression.”To avoid getting styes I would be vigilant by using disposable gloves (not sharing the same glove with others), don;t share the same towels, aprons etc. Also it is important to make it a point to thoroughly wash your hands on a regular basis to avoid getting these.Hopefully this posting has helped.
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