What are some tips to get rid of acne

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some tips to get rid of acne”,you can compare them.

Haemafine syrup is herbal remedy that treats acne from the inside as it purifies the blood and gives the skin the blood flow it requires to look smooth. Neem Vegicaps are effective in killing the bacteria, which is a cause for Acne. ChaCha us back! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-tips-to-get-rid-of-acne ]
More Answers to “What are some tips to get rid of acne
What are some tips to get rid of acne?
definitely change your diet. drink TONS of water, so that ur skin is moisturized. Cut back on oily foods like chips, and dont pick at the zits. find a good, light exfoliator and use that for a while. i suggest neutrogena.
How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Tips
The skin condition known as acne, which is often most prevalent during the teenage years, can be extremely stressful and frustrating to deal with. But even more devastating are the acne scars on the face,… acne scars treat acne scars remo…
How to Get Rid of Acne Fast – Tips on How to Get Rid of Your Acne…?
It is a headache waking up in the morning and noticing a nasty pimple on our face. This is a nightmare we face in our teen years and sometimes it stays with us into adulthood. Acne Skin Care Info http://www.wipe-out-acne-now.com Acne Clea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some tips for getting rid of acne?
Q: Can you give me some tips on getting rid of acne. Like i heard about putting toothpaste on acne, but does it really work. Please give me some homemade tips or ideas or anything you do to get rid of acne. Thanks!
A: Cetaphil is a product that is available in most grocery stores. I apply it to my face and let it dry and it works deep down to prevent and/or stop zits from surfacing. I would also recommend that you review your diet and see if you are eating too much grease, salt, chocolate, or anything else that may irritate your skin.Also, be sure you aren’t washing your face too much, which will dry it out and irritate acne. On another note, if you moisturize too much it will have the same effect. Good luck!
What are some good tips to prevent acne or get rid of it?
Q: I really need some good tips to get rid of and prevent acne! Please help me out!
A: HoLaLoLa, (love that name!)Sorry to break this to you but acne treatment products are a scam. They’re set up to mask acne, but never prevent it. This keeps people buying over and over again. It’s a pretty good scam too because anyone with acne knows that’s it’s not something you can just ignore! It’s really embarrassing and sometimes painful. There’s a lot about acne most of us don’t know. It’s actually not like some rash or something that can be washed away or treated with cream. The more you know, the easier it is to handle things I say.Here’s a link I highly recommend to anyone dealing with acne. It’ll change your life…
What are some tips to get rid of acne?
Q: I have acne all over my forehead 🙁 its grossi never used to have it! but once i started highschool i just started breaking out everywhere and it hasent gone away…so do you know any tips to get rid of it???
A: definitely change your diet. drink TONS of water, so that ur skin is moisturized. Cut back on oily foods like chips, and dont pick at the zits. find a good, light exfoliator and use that for a while. i suggest neutrogena.
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