What are some reasons for having irregular periods

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some reasons for having irregular periods”,you can compare them.

Causes of irregular periods – Significant weight gain or loss, Over-exercise, Poor nutrition (or a diet too high in carbohydrates) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-reasons-for-having-irregular-periods ]
More Answers to “What are some reasons for having irregular periods
What are some reasons for having an irregular period??
Well if you are starting your period it will be irregular for a couple of years. Reasons may include stress or diet.
Are there reasons for having a suddenly irregular period??
Thats fine. It will be irregular until you’re even a grown women. It might be different each month/year/etc.
My 14 years old daughter is having irregular periods. What could …?
many a times irregular periods in adolescent girls are due to ovarian immaturity and one should consult a gynaecologist for further advice.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the reasons behind having irregular periods?
Q: I am 17 and have had my period for 4 years. I used to get my period every month, not always the same time, but it was expected. In the past year, I have been having my period every four months, if I’m lucky. Is it because I am sterile, not ovulating, have an extended cycle or what?I know that a common way to make your period irregular is if you are underweight. I am underweight, but it’s not like I have an eating disorder. I actually have a kidney and blood platlet problem. I am 5’4 and weigh 100lbs. I eat all the time I just can’t gain weight.Really, my question is, can I get pregnant right now or later in life, if I were to have sex, since my period is so messed up?
A: my mum’s friend has the same situation like yours… she has been married for 10 years but she cant seem to get pregnant… doctor said due to her irregular period cycle it would be hard for her to conceive… however, i think to be on the safe side, it is advisable to use protection when having sex…
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Q: I had my period for the whole month of July. Now, only a couple weeks into August, I have started again. I am on birth control, but I have been on it for five years and I haven’t missed a pill. Should this be something I should worry about? The only answer I looked up on the internet referred to menopause, but I am only 20!
A: It’s just your hormonal imbalance. Maybe the pill is not the best type of birth control try the depo-provera shot that seems to work for me. I have some spottings here and there only.
what R reasons 4 irregular periods every 3 or 4 mths,sometimes only v. light spotting 8to10 days after period?
Q: Blood tests are normal, ultrasounds are normal, and yet for the last 9 years of my life I’ve had irregular bleeding or light spotting like 3 to 4 times a year. I have one child, trying for a second, because of this problem my plans are constantly changing.
A: have you been tested for PCOS? thats always a possibility. how’s your weight? does diabetes run in your family? what’s your race?pcos can cause irregulare period and make it more difficult to concieve.
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