What are some reactions to anesthesia

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Anesthesia can cause rare complications such as strange heart rhythms, breathing problems, allergic reactions, and even death. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-reactions-to-anesthesia ]
More Answers to “What are some reactions to anesthesia
What’s a bad reaction to anesthesia?
Precedex is what we use all the time for mine. It takes a LONG time to wear off. Mine could sleep for HOURS with it. In fact, at Daniel’s last surgery, he did not even wake up to drink…just let us stick a bottle in his mouth while he was …
Are people with CMT prone to reactions from anesthesia when havin…?
Most people with CMT will have no problem with anesthesia. Only those with respiratory involvement (very rare) or vocal cord paralysis (a very rare variant) may have problems with anesthesia above that seen in the general population.
Is this a common reaction from anesthesia?
those are very common reactions. some people shake, some get emotional for no real reason, some people feel sick, some people feel dizzy, some people feel extremely tired and out of it, some people take a very long time to wake up. ME i get…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are some interesting reactions to anesthesia/ laughing gas that you have had/heard of?
Q: I am writing a short story for school, and it is going to involve the strange effects of laughing gas and anesthesia on one’s behavior and what not. I just need some inspiration…thank you 🙂
A: It’s probably no surprise that nitrous oxide (laughing gas) causes people to get giggly.Most people’s reaction to anesthesia is to fall asleep, usually within about 10 seconds. Not much time for reactions.The reactions we see don’t make particularly good reading – slow or fast heart rate, arrhythmias, breathing problems, vomiting… ot much behavioral stuff.If we give midazolam, they get forgetful and will ask the same questions over and over again. That can occasionally be mildly entertaining.
what are the reactions between anesthesia and psychiatric drugs?
Q: i had a procedure done friday and was put under anesthesia, and am now having thoughts of suicide…. I DON’T WANT TO KILL MYSELF!!!!! the thoughts are just there and they weren’t there thursday. also i don’t know the name of the anesthetic, but would like to know if anesthsia can react with psychiatric drugs in a negative way.
A: Yes. Anesthesia itself can cause this, as can a reaction to it and a psychiatric drug.If you’re feeling this way, call either your surgeon, doctor or psych ASAP
What is an adverse reaction to general anesthesia?
Q: My daughter had her wisdom teeth removed and when she woke up from the anesthesia, she was crying, shaking, and had no vision. She was scared to death, unable to communicate, and the oral surgeon told her to shut up and told the nurses to wheel her out of the clinic so she wouldn’t scare the other patients. They had us out of there within 10 minutes. She wasn’t even totally ‘with it’ yet. Is that a normal reaction to anesthesia or is it possible that something happened to her? She was totally traumatized.
A: i think that the surgeon was quite rude. but it is very common for you to be out of the clinic with in 10 minutes of waking up and still being totally out of it.i don’t wake up from anesthesia very well and when i had my wisdom teeth out they didn’t count on me being quite so out of it and they were literally dragging me out the door.what your daughter experienced is a fairly common reaction. anethesia messes with the whole body and many people are very emotional after they wake up. she was probably quite dizzy and therefore her vision was blacked out. and she was most likely shaking cuz she was cold since she had no blanket.
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