What are some of the reasons you get headaches

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some of the reasons you get headaches”,you can compare them.

Headaches can be caused by emotional stress, physical stress, genetics, changes in sleep partners, medication, and more. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-of-the-reasons-you-get-headaches ]
More Answers to “What are some of the reasons you get headaches
What are some reasons why you get headaches alot?
hair style. long thick heavy hair or hair pulled too tight in a bun, or whatever, will cause headaches. caffeine, sugar, chocolate. body changing from a girl to a woman. growing.
What reason do pregnant woman get headaches?
Lots of different reasons, including:・ 1) Hormone changes ・ 2) Vision changes (during pregnancy, the shape of your lens changes) ・ 3) Increased blood flow (during pregnancy, your blood volume literally doubles, and if you don’t stay … ・…
Is there any reason why someone would get a headache after eating…?
I suffered from migraine headaches for many years. Now, I very seldom have to go through that terrible pain because I have learned my food triggers. These are different for different people, but there are some foods that are most common as …

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What are some possible reasons my legs are always numb?
Q: I had a cold for a few days last weak and it ended off with a really weird headache where I felt like I was going to pass out. This was exactly 1 week ago. After that had ended my legs went numb, especially my left leg and it felt like if you have been sitting on them for too long. On my left leg, the knee cap is slightly swollen and bruised. I went to the doctor today for it but she didn’t make me feel secure after. She didn’t look at the bruising or my numb legs until I showed her, just prescribed some anti-inflammatory pain killers. She did tell me it was because of my cold but basically she just gave me meds and sent me on my way. I have an ear infection right now too so could all of this be linked together? Could it be more severe than linked to my cold? I don’t want to just make the pain go away while I have something seriously wrong inside!
A: I’m guessing that your doctor believes you have a pinched nerve. The nerve could be in your lower back, and it’s being squeezed by tissue which has swollen due to some minor damage. She probably doesn’t see any of this as being connected to the cold, headaches, etc.If you don’t regain feeling in your legs in a couple of days, go see a neurologist. When I had a ruptured disc in my lower back in 1978, none of the doctors at Navy sick call could figure out why I was having problems with numbness, so they told me to take it easy for a few days, don’t lift anything heavy, and wait to see what happens. That wasn’t good enough for me, so I went to the Army hospital in downtown Honolulu, and the neurologist said I had a neurological emergency, and they wanted to operate the following morning. After they removed the pieces of the ruptured disc during surgery, the numbness problems disappeared. The neurologist said that, if I had done nothing about it, the nerves would have been permanently damaged, so, if you don’t want your legs to stay permanently numb, go see a neurologist asap.
What could the reasons for headaches be?
Q: Apart from eyesight problems…? (i just got my eyesight checked and its fine).I get headaches almost everyday. It happens anytime, sometimes when i wake up, sometimes after school, sometimes in the evening, it varies.
A: Where do you get your headaches,on which part of the head.This will give a strong clue of problem.At the moment it could be one of a dozen things
What are some reasons why you get headaches alot?
Q: Im 15
A: hair style. long thick heavy hair or hair pulled too tight in a bun, or whatever, will cause headaches.caffeine, sugar, chocolate.body changing from a girl to a woman. growing.
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