What are some good ways to help you fall asleep

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For some people warm milk or a hot bath helps them fall asleep. Others require OTC or prescription sleep aides. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-ways-to-help-you-fall-asleep ]
More Answers to “What are some good ways to help you fall asleep
What are some good ways to help fall asleep..?
Melatonin. its a hormone that your body naturally produces when its dark. It makes you sleepy, because when its dark, its usually night time. If you take melatonin at night it helps you fall asleep, you can get it at a drug store. Not very …
What are ways to help me fall asleep?
try warm milk, i used to drink it about 10 minutes before i go to bed when i used to have sleeping trouble.
Does anybody have any ways to help me fall asleep?
Get into somethign comfy. Write down everything so when you wont have a “to-do” list running in your head before you go to sleep. Turn the noise down (tv, music) or replace it with white noise or a sleeping soudtrack. Have some te…

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Q: I could be dead tired, and the second I hit the pillow, I’m wide awake! I wake up in the middle of the night, from my husband moving, to a noise, to just trying to get comfortable. I need some ways to fall asleep that aren’t going to make me drowsy because I have to get up in the morning to get my daughter ready for school and take care of my son throughout the day. And something to help me stay asleep, but to where I can get out of bed in the middle of the night if I have to. Anything like a tea, or a soap. Preferably nothing that I have to take, like Ambien or Lunesta, no type of sleeping pill. They don’t cooperate with my body to well.LMAO If only I could get drunk!! I don’t drink with my kids in the house, and no one would watch them. And It seems that everytime I get drunk, i wake up with a nasty cold. I guess because booze lowers your immune system for a while.I’m prone to anxiety. I mean, I have anxiety meds, so trying to clear my mind of anxiety is sort of pointless lol. I don’t want to take meds, unless I have no other option. I think I might have insomnia. This has been going on for quite some time now, but for the past couple weeks, it’s been getting worse. I wake up an hour before I need to, and i just can’t stay asleep. I normally sleep in my undies, but I adjust the blanket to my comfort. If I’m hot, then i uncover a little. If I’m cold, then I bundle into a ball under the covers lol.
A: IDK about chemicals, etc.But to actually start to sleep, try this:Just learn to really breathe deep. Pay attention only to your breathing.The reason it works? Well, there’s two I can think of, and they may be the same thing, I can’t remember.Your slower breathing changes the oxygen levels in your brain, which changes how it works.And, your slower breathing triggers different brain waves.Chamomile, now I think of it, can help you relax, so your breathing stays deep, and so your brain can stop being on Supermom mode (I remember when I had to do that.)
I’m having trouble sleeping. What are some good ways to fall asleep without having to get out of my bed?
Q: I have to get up early for school and I can’t afford to keep falling asleep at 1:00 and waking up at 6:00. Are there any ways to fall asleep quicker without using pills and without getting out of my bed? Advice would be greatly appreciated.
A: I suffer from this as well!!this is what works for mego to bed with your window open if possible (close the curtain so its dark though)read a book until you start doozing off, just keep reading something not to boring otherwise you will put it down and think to much about life.wear minimal clothing to bed (you tend to warm up in your sleep)take all your blankets off and get cold for a secoundthe feeling of getting cosy again should make you more comfertable.reading works the best for me as well as lying on my stomach.also the best advice I ever got was for two- three weeks go to bed at the same time and get out of bed at the same time everyday.it gets your body into a routine you might be tired for the first few days or the opposite find yourself sitting in bed bored for ages but it really does help with training your body.
what are some good ways to fall asleep faster?
Q: sometimes i just cant fall asleep. i dont konw y. i need some good idias so i can actually stay awake in school.
A: Have sex before you go to bed, works for me. Failing that.. lay in bed and stretch all your limbs one at a time, stretch your fingers, toes your back. It relaxes all of you muscles and helps your whole body relax. My physio told me this and it does help.
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