What are some good facts about TB

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TB is curable but kills 5000 people every day, virtually all in the developing world. 2 billion people r infected with TB bacilli. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-facts-about-tb ]
More Answers to “What are some good facts about TB
Where to Get Info – TB Facts
In the United States, the decline in tuberculosis cases has ended, largely due to the AIDS epidemic. An estimated 10 to 15 million persons are infected with TB and, in some areas, as many as 58% of persons with TB are also HIV seropositive….
Are Health Authorities Covering Up Facts of a Globetrotting TB Pa…?
What the Kappers case shows, regardless of its merits, is that the laws of the State of Georgia permit public health authorities to quarantine persons who have dangerous contagious illnesses. In fact, such laws exist in most states. There a…

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