What are some early symptoms of bronchitis

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Early bronchitis symptoms are similar to those of a common cold. A cough that progressively worsens is an indication of bronchitis [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-early-symptoms-of-bronchitis ]
More Answers to “What are some early symptoms of bronchitis
What are the signs of bronchitis?
Bronchitis Symptoms. Symptoms of Bronchitis could include cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, cough, and productive…
What are some early symptoms of bronchitis?
The symptoms for acute bronchitis are:Hacking cough. Yellow, white, or green phlegm, usually appearing 24 to 48 hours after a cough. Fever, chills. Soreness and tightness in chest. Some pain below breastbone during deep breathing Some short…

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What are some early symptoms of bronchitis?
Q: Im 33 weeks pregnant and feel like crap to the extreme. Nose is stuffy and runny and my chest hurts when I cough, and I keep coughing up stuff…
A: The symptoms for acute bronchitis are:Hacking cough. Yellow, white, or green phlegm, usually appearing 24 to 48 hours after a cough. Fever, chills. Soreness and tightness in chest. Some pain below breastbone during deep breathing Some shortness of breath The symptoms for chronic bronchitis are:Persistent cough producing yellow, white, or green phlegm (for at least three months of the year, and for more than two consecutive years). Sometimes wheezing, sometimes breathlessness. Call Your Doctor If:Your cough is so persistent or severe that it interferes with sleep or daily activities or leads to persistent chest pain; you could be damaging sensitive air sacs in your lungs. Your symptoms last more than a week, and your mucus becomes darker and thicker, increases in volume, or turns bloody. You display symptoms of acute bronchitis and have chronic lung or heart problems, or are infected with the virus that causes AIDS ; respiratory infections can leave you vulnerable to more serious lung diseases, such as pneumonia. You have great difficulty breathing. This symptom, sometimes mistakenly associated with bronchitis, could signal asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, a serious allergic reaction, or cancer.
what are some symptoms of bronchitis?
Q: i asked a question earlier saying it hurt when i breathe >>>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aqcp2jLJqvYrcB6FQtiQg4jsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090616064138AApKSDMso what are the symptoms and if i have it what do i need to do?
A: When I had bronchitis last fall, I had:-A fever off and on, not super noticeable to me, but noticeable to other people-Lightheaded, especially after things like walking up and down stairs, because my lungs were so clogged I couldn’t get enough oxygen-Intense cough, especially in mornings and at night and with phlegm-It would fluctuate. I’d feel a bit better for a few days and then a bit worse and then a bit better. It wasn’t until after I finally got over it that I realized that even my “feeling better” was absolute $H!T compared to -actually- feeling better.I had it for about a month before I went to see the doctor. And I was on the verge of pneumonia by the time I got in there. And once I got anti-biotics, I felt better almost immediately. If you have a question about it, go to the doctor.
i was recently diagnosed with bronchitis and i need some advice?
Q: i went to the dr. a week agao and got 3 different meds. i only have about 3 days left to take this. earlier today i coughed up some stuff than was running down my throat and it was yellow tinged with blood. what is this? should i go back to dr. or is it a symptom of the bronchitis??
A: It’s just a symptom of the bronchitis, and is nothing to worry about. Because you’re coughing, you’re irritating the lining of your throat, and that’s what’s causing the blood.You do need to be concerned if you’re coughing up clots, and should call your doctor asap.Symptoms of acute bronchitis usually begin 3 to 4 days after an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold or influenza (flu). Symptoms usually include:A cough, which is the main symptom of acute bronchitis. It may be dry at first (does not produce mucus) and after a few days may bring up mucus from the lungs (productive cough). The mucus may be clear, yellow, or green. Occasionally, small streaks of blood may be present. A mild fever, usually less than 101° (38.33°). A higher fever may indicate pneumonia. A general feeling of tiredness (malaise). A sensation of tightness, burning, or dull pain in the chest under the breastbone that usually is worse when breathing deeply or coughing. Whistling noises (wheezing) when breathing, especially during physical exertion. Feeling short of breath (sometimes present). Hoarseness.http://health.yahoo.com/ency/healthwise/hw32160/hw32190;_ylt=A9htdWNgKTRE56MAMn.NH7kFSo please don’t stress… it’s only a normal reaction.
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