What are some common causes of constipation

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Common causes of constipation are inadequate fluid and/or fiber intake, lack of physical activity, inattention to bowel habits. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-common-causes-of-constipation ]
More Answers to “What are some common causes of constipation
What Are Common Causes Of Constipation?
Of course the most common, and probably easiest to combat, causes for constipation are digestive ailments. Unless some serious and/or life threatening disease causes the bowels to stop functioning efficiently, it is possible to correct occa…
How Common are these Causes of Constipation during pregnancy??
This information refers to the general prevalence and incidence of these diseases, not to how likely they are to be the actual cause of Constipation during pregnancy. Of the 22 causes of Constipation during pregnancy that we have listed, we…
How common is constipation in children, and what are some causes??
It’s pretty common. The No. 1 reason in younger infants and children is they drink a lot of milk, and dairy products are extremely constipating, and formula has iron, which is constipating. Most toddlers don’t have a great diet. They don’t …

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A: Yeast overgrowth in the intestines and a imbalance of intestinal bacteria. Drink acidophilous milk or take some pro-biotic supplements. Green Tea is said to be able to balance your intestinal bacteria as well! So, you might wanna try green tea. If it is yeast you can try taking the oregano oil. I use the “NOW” brand liquid capsules. And believe me! Oregano oil will kill the yeast! But after doing so you would want to take the pro-biotics to replace the intestinal flora.
what ezactly causes constipation? what about gas producing foods?
Q: en how to prevent constipation, what are some common gas producing foods?
A: you could have a bowel obstruction, I read your other question about stomach surgery and it sounds like you have something blocking your bowels. Please go to the Dr. this could KILL you! I was put in the hospital in June thinking that was my problem thankfully it wasn’t. They will give you meds and an iv and unblock your bowels for you. If not then it is very possible you could die from your bowels getting impacted!!!
What are causes for crinic constipation in an infant?
Q: My 8 month old has been cronically constipated since ho was 2 months old. We have been to the pediatrician, and she kind of dismisses this. I am getting pist about it. What kind of doctor do I need to see? And is this a symptom of something major?? He is breast fed, and he refuses solids because he is always backed up. I mean for like 6 to 10 days, and he struggles so badly, and crys. It is always huge and gets stuck when he is able to get it to move. I always have to help it along! What should I do. Is he too young for stool softner. Should I just go to another pediatrician because mine is a moron? Or is this so common that she isnt concerned figuring he will outgrow it?Eocky. I know about my babys functions! He hasnt pooped in 9 days at this point, and he is always like this. When it does come out it is hard as a rock, and I need to help pull it out. I have breast fed 2 babies successfully and I also am aware that breast fed babies dont always have frequent bowel movements. I have had him tested for food allergies and the tests have come back negative. He has always had some issues going sinve about 2 months old, when he was taken off meds for acid reflux. *( he had a sever case) I made an appointment with a new Ped..I used a liquid glycerine suppository!!OMG he had so much hard as a rock poo in him, no wonder the kid was so unhappy and not eating. He honestly had about 1 pound of waste. He ate like a champ and has been wanting food ever since!! I have an appointment with a new Ped, he says he will get this under control, and he also said that if there is a problem he will make sure its diagnosed and treated. Big difference from my last Ped, I actually felt like he was sincere!
A: Hi. First, normal is what’s normal for each baby. In other wrods, some babies go every day, others go every three days. But it sounds like your baby is hurting and in pain. This is not normal. My son was constipated a lot and he was a formula and breast baby. So I alternated between regular formula and the low iron kind. Since you are nursing, its not likely to be too much iron. Try changing your diet and eliminating dairy to see if it helps.He should be eating rice cereal, baby food veggies and fruits by now. He also should be movign some, crawling or trying to crawl. The more mobile they get, the less stopped up they tend to be bc they moving their bowels. Now yes there is NOTHING wrong with getting a second opinion!! It is YOUR baby and you should stand up for him!! I believed my doc when she said all his nursing problems were normal and even at 11 mos when I brought him in bc he still couldnt swallow solid foods she dismissed it. I said this isnt right and found a Ped ENT and turned out he was TONGUE TIED! The stupid ped never caught it! I still use her but dont exactly trust her to this day!Getting a second opinion is a good idea. When my son was constipated I was told by the ped nurse to gently insert a lubed thermometer (the regular kind and it is NEVER to go in the mouth again!!) into his behind just a little bit utnil the metal cant be seen (the regular kind of thermometer u put in your mouth or under your arm.) Just a tiny bit and that seemed toh elp. But that was when he was REALLY little and I would not do it without first consulting a doc. The constipation could be a sign of a food allergy. Did u try to introduce wheat? Celiac Disease is a common autoimmune disease and chronic constipation is one of the signs. A blood test can be done but testing in children is unreliable.Feel free to email me for more help.amy
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