What are signs of vitamin deficiency

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Some signs would be pale skin, sore mouth and tongue, shortness of breathe, Loss of appetite, Diarrhea, Muscle weakness MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-vitamin-deficiency ]
More Answers to “What are signs of vitamin deficiency
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The signs include dry skin, susceptibility to infections and night blindness. In children, a deficiency may contribute to slow bone development, retarded growth and increased risk of respiratory and viral infections.
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What are the possible signs of Vitamin D deficiency?
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A: Hello there,Vitamin D deficiency is most common in areas that receive little sunlight and in populations whose diets include few natural vitamin D sources. Milk, juice and cereals are often fortified with vitamin D in an effort to fight vitamin D deficiency.-Symptoms of Severe DeficiencySevere vitamin D deficiency causes the bones to soften and leads to bone disorders. In children, the most visible sign of vitamin D deficiency is bowed arms and legs. In adults, the most common symptom of vitamin D deficiency is generalized bone and muscle pain.-Symptoms of Moderate DeficiencyLow vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk ofmany diseases, including asthma, colds, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis and seasonal affective disorder.–Other SymptomsOther signs and symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include bone fractures, fatigue, insomnia, low immunity and mood swings.SusceptibilityAnyone can have a vitamin D deficiency, but because dark skin produces less vitamin D than light skin does, people of African descent are most susceptible. Obesity also increases susceptibility to vitamin D deficiency.ConsiderationsSymptoms of a vitamin D deficiency are often subtle and overlooked. If you do not receive much direct sunlight or consume many foods that contain vitamin D, consider asking your doctor for a vitamin D test.I hope that helps
What are the physical signs of a B12 vitamin deficiency?
Q: Facts only please :-)Link it if you can.Hey lo :-)what’s this lingo now?
A: Ey up, Me. According to NHS Direct: Soreness of the tongue,·Loss of weight,·Pale skin, often with a lemon tint,·Intermittent diarrhoea,·Menstrual problems, and·Poor resistance to infections.If the deficiency goes on too long, the nervous system is liable to be affected, causing:·Tingling of the fingers and toes,·Muscle weakness,·Staggering,·Tenderness in the calves, and·Confusion.http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/article.aspx?articleId=42&sectionId=10Phew! Never had any of those. Well, maybe a little staggering, but it wasn’t from vitamin deficiency !
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