What are signs of Tendinitis

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Signs can include pain ,tenderness and mild swelling, in some cases .in the affected joint. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-tendinitis ]
More Answers to “What are signs of Tendinitis
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Tendinitis Symptoms. Symptoms of Tendon Inflammation could include tendon inflammation, pain, joint pain, knee pain, and elbow pain…
What are signs of Tendinitis Health Article?
The health care provider will perform a physical exam and look for signs of pain and tenderness when the muscle attached to the tendon is used against resistance. There are specific tests for specific tendons. The tendon can be inflamed and…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I heard I’m supposed to ice the affected area and take ibuprofen to reduce inflamation. But I don’t get it – isn’t the inflamation good – like isn’t it a sign that my body is healing the tendons? So if my aim is to have a quick recovery, shouldn’t I let my body inflame itself if that’s what it needs to do to get better?
A: Inflammation can be good in small amounts. With a tendonitis however, inflammation causes the tendon increase in size. When you use the muscle the tendon becomes more inflamed due to rubbing on surrounding structures. This leads to cycle of inflammation. For some people they stop moving and it goes away, but for others it doesn’t. Tendonitis can lead to weakening of the tendon over time. …so back to your problem. For tendinitis I would use ice for 15 minutes every hour. This will decrease pain and inflammation. Hope that helps.
hand tendinitis anyone had it and how was it treated, as my BRO’S got it bad, 3 months on ibuprofen?
Q: no signs of it letting up and every time he even uses a pen it gives him GRIEF!!!!!
A: You need to double-check to make sure it is actually tendonitis.Tendonitis is an inflammation that will go away and fully heal in 2-3 months of non-use.He might have carpal tunnel, or even TENDONOSIS, which is a degeneration of the tendons due to overuse. There is no real way to treat that.
Wrist brace is uncomfortable, anything I can do?
Q: I went to the doctor today because of wrist and hand pain and discovered that I have tendinitis. The doctor gave me a wrist brace and she told me to wear it for four weeks, even when I’m sleeping. I have had it on now for about 3 hours and I keep having to readjust the straps looser and tighter. It feels like my circulation is cut off, although no visible signs of that are noticable. It doesn’t matter how loose I get it, I still feel this way. Will my hand eventually adjust or is there something wrong with the brace?
A: i can relate. had the same type of problem. maybe the brace is the wrong size for you. call the doc and ask about that. if it is cutting off the circulation, definitely you cant wear it. that could cause more serious problems. hope u get hold of the doc quickly and feel better.
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