What are signs of melanoma

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Often, the first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, color, or feel of an existing mole. Most melanomas MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-melanoma ]
More Answers to “What are signs of melanoma
The first sign of melanoma may be a mole that changes in size, shape, or color. The ABCD traits that may suggest a melanoma are asymmetry, border, color, and diameter.
It’s becoming more and more difficult, but the best thing to do when in doubt is to get a biopsy, preferably with a full excision if you or your dermatologist really thinks it could be melanoma – often times we can sense when something just…
Asymmetry-One half of the mole doesn’t match the other half. Border irregularity-The edges are ragged, notched or blurred. Color-Pigmentation is not uniform, shades of tan, brown and black are present. Dashes or red, white and blue can add …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it significant that more than one mole shows signs of melanoma?
Q: That is to say melanoma is recurring for the first time, but on more than one mole at the same time, away from the original sight. Is that significant? Is it normal to appear on more than one mole at the same time?
A: When melanoma spreads (recurs), it can appear in several places at once. This is fairly typical.
what are some signs of having melanoma?
Q: i might have melanoma. besides the ABCD thing about moles what are other signs,like drowsiness or anything.
A: In about 70% have a change in a preexisting lesion. It can become lighter, darker or variegated. It may increase in size; have a strange or itching sensation. They do not have skin creases and may ulcerate or bleed. If you are referring to metastatic disease it would depend on the site.
Whats the signs of melanoma? I have many moles, what do i look out for?
Q: i have moles like any normal person,and im only a teenagerbut still,im cautious and i want to knowwhat are the signs of getting melanoma?
A: change in size, coloration,two-toned moles ( brown and black for example) and rough edges along with rapid growth of the mole.if you think one or some of your moles look cancerous you can go to webmd.com and read more or make an apt. with your regular doctor, they can look at them and decide if you need to see a skin doc.
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