What are signs of blindness

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One of the most common signs of being blind is blurry vision. Thank you for using ChaCha. Have a great night! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-blindness ]
More Answers to “What are signs of blindness
What are the signs of blindness?
Adults will be able to tell if they have visual problems.
What Are the Signs of Color Blindness?
Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, affects approximately 8 percent of males and .5 percent of females in the United States, according to Prevent Blindness America. Most people…
Can you please tell me the signs of a blind mouse
Fortunately blindness isn’t much of a problem in mice. They have very poor eyesight to begin with so losing it completely is not as serious as it is with humans. Blind eyes have an opaque look to them. It is less obvious in pink eyes. Healt…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

My Dog is showing signs of blindness, he is not eating and not playing games. What is the cause of this?
Q: I have researched a little into this subject and it could most probably be cataracts (diabetes)… PLease help if possible can a vet or animal/dog expert please answer this question.
A: Please take him to the vet. Yahoo answers is not the place to diagnose your dog. You have not given enough information and without an examination, it is all a guess.
what are the signs of blindness in infants?
A: Running into walls…na, hehe, well, if they don’t make eye contact and don’t seem to focus on anything, and if their eyes don’t move much and if they don’t change at all in the sun. If you are worried, please see a doctor!!!
signs of blindness.?
Q: I don,t know if it,s my HD tv or the brightness on the computer but i know my eyes is getting sensitive to the light. I went to a eye doctor and he said my eyes is healthy. Is it because I watch to much T.V. would this effect me in the future?
A: Exposure/Sitting before T.V or Computer render mild radiation to our body and more so eyes.. make it a practice to have break every one hour from ur tv or computer. take 2 glasses of water before sitting before tv/computer; so that u must get up to clear ur bladder. after pissing, again take 2 glasses of water and so on.with best compliments from www.saioam.com
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