What are signs of being lactose intolerant

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Common symptoms, which range from mild to severe, include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-being-lactose-intolerant ]
More Answers to “What are signs of being lactose intolerant
What are some signs of being lactose intolerant?
Immediately having to run to the bathroom within 5-20 minutes of eating something with dairy. Some people are more intolerant of cheese, others sour cream, others ice cream, others milk. Just because you are intolerant of one thing doesn’t …
What are signs of a 2 1/2 year old to be lactose intolerant??
upset stomach, diarrea, vomiting, stomach cramping upon consumption of diary products. Remove all dairy for a few days then return them and see if you notice a difference. Have these symptoms just begun or has the child had dairy problems…
Is lactose intolerance a sign of diabetes?
being lactose intolerant is common. according to a usa today story 60% of the world’s adult population is lactose intolerant. humans are pretty much the only (or one of the only) mammals that continues to drink milk after 1 yr of age. some …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some signs of being lactose intolerant?
Q: and im only 14 so is it normal?my throat hurts and my stomach burns after i drank some perfectly good milk then i drank some more a few days later and it happened again. i had some eggs that made me feel the same way too. i am of british ancestory and only my great-great-grandfather was lactose intolerant and no one else in my family. HELP!!!!!
A: One common symptom is acute pain in your stomach after consuming dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt.Lactose intolerance is caused largely by genetics, and some ethnic groups are more likely to be lactose intolerant.It gets back to human evolution. In regions of the world where milk has been a part of the diet for thousands of years, people have evolved to handle it better than in areas where milk is less common.For example, many Asians, especially Vietnamese and Chinese, tend to be lactose intolerant. If you are of Asian ancestry, you might need to avoid milk products entirely.Oh … by the way … if you are a creationist who does not understand evolution and science … well … just go ahead and consume milk and believe that God is punishing you for your sin of being so stupid.
What are the exact signs of being lactose intolerant?
What are signs of lactose intolerant gases?
Q: When people say “gas” regarding lactose intolerant? what do they really mean? farting alot. feel like something is “running” in your stomach?today i drank whole milk for the first time in a while. i felt absoulely fine then when i got to school i bought almond milk tea. an hour later i kinda fart a bit, NOT alot and i dont feel unconfortable or anything. now it stoped. is that a sign? i can eat yogurt, cheese , ice cream, drink lattee and feel nothingor im being paranoid because after all it’s normal to fart once in a while
A: Lactose intolerance gas is usually more than just farting. It involves severe cramping, it can involve farting, and it can also involve diarrhea. I suffer from lactose intolerance and I can eat some foods that contain milk, as long as I have food in my stomach first and don’t consume too much. If I have more than 1 slice of pizza, I am in trouble. If I have a bowl of cereal, I am okay because there is cereal as well as milk. If I have a straight glass of milk, I am in agony. I think you might just have a slight reaction to what you ate, but not true lactose intolerance.
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