What are signs of a person having a heart attack

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Pressure, fullness or a squeezing pain in the center of your chest that lasts for more than a few minutes MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-a-person-having-a-heart-attack ]
More Answers to “What are signs of a person having a heart attack
What are the warning signs that a person may be having a heart at…?
heaviness, pressure, squeezing, fullness, burning, tightness, discomfort or pain in the centre of the chest (severe and crushing or may not be severe). This discomfort may spread to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arm and/or back

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the signs of a person having a heart attack?
Q: his chest feels tight and he is losing feelings in his left arm
A: call 911 nowwww!!!!! he needs to go to the hospital!signs are tightness or pain in the chest, jaw, arm, back, and neck, or even abdomen sometimes. shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, light headedness, dizzyness. Some people discribe it as a discomfort rather than a pain in the chest.Please, call now!! Do not wait. Waiting only increases chances that he will have a heart damage. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Can a 15 year old girl have syptoms of a heart attack that a person 40+ should get??/?
Q: I’m a fifteen year old girl and quite often i have severe shooting pains that go from my centre chest down my left arm. I woul like to become a doctor and i researched and discovered that this is a sign of heart attack. I then questioned this as i know i am too young for a heart attack-am I?Please help me, I’m really panicking becuase i don’t want this to be serious.Tamara x
A: There are a number of possible causes. If the symptoms go away from time to time, it’s probably not a heart attack. However, you should see a doctor as soon as possible since it could be something else that’s serious.Put a finger just below your breast bone and press gently. If that hurts, the problem is probably trapped wind or pancreatitis. Both can be caused by eating too much sugar. Drinking hot water can relieve the symptoms.Now stop panicking. Just sit back and relax until you feel better. That will help whatever the problem is.
Can a person just randomly have a heart attack??? Please, someone tell me!!!?
Q: Okay, so i’m doing this research and i REALLY need to know: can a person randomly have a heart attack?i heard from people who’ve experienced heart attacks & those who’ve seen it happen that there are signs you get a couple days before the heart attack happens. Is this true?
A: Yes, a person can just randomly have a heart attack, it is called a massive heart attack because there are no warning signs. I’ve seen it many times. Some people do get signs but don’t recognize them, this is just a normal heart attack but a massive heart attack does not present any signs the person just kills over and by the time the emergency people arrive the person is dead and cpr doesn’t help. I had a heart attack 8 years ago and didn’t have any warning signs before it happened. I did have several palpitations and chest pain just inside my left breast but my Dr called it stress. The pains would come and go so fast I could barely say ouch before it was gone but I had them for 2-3 hours at a time, now I believe it was angina but my Dr kept saying stress. Those were my only symptoms.
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