What are signs and symptoms of anemia

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Signs and symptoms of anemia can include fatigue, trouble breathing, chest pain, abdominal pain, weight loss, weakness, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-and-symptoms-of-anemia ]
More Answers to “What are signs and symptoms of anemia
The most common symptom of anemia is fatigue (feeling tired or weak). If you have anemia, it may seem hard to find the energy to do normal activities.
What Are the Symptoms of Anemia? The symptoms of anemia will vary according to the type of anemia, the underlying cause and your underlying health problems. Anemia may be associated with other medical conditions such as hemorrhage, ulcers,…
Nerve demyelination caused by vitamin B12 deficiency initially affects the peripheral nerves but gradually extends to the spinal cord. Consequently, the neurologic effects of pernicious anemia include neuritis, weakness in the extremities…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some signs/symptoms of anemia?
Q: I am tired all the time, have weird ridges on my fingernails, and am constantly hungry and irritable. (no I am not pregnant!) 🙂 I eat well, take vitamins and exercise. I sleep 7-8 hrs night.
A: Signs and symptoms of anemia are pale color, tiredness, weakness, etc. It’s hard to tell if you are anemic or not, unless it is severe. You can get a simple blood test to tell if you are anemic or not. Weird ridges on you fingernails is usually a sign of a fungal infection of the nails, certain anemias or an illness. If you take vitamins daily, you probably don’t have a Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency unless you have a parasite, malabsorptive disorder or auto-immune condition. Perhaps you have iron deficiency because most vitamins don’t provide enough iron… most people get enough if they eat dark leafy vegetable or red meat. Remember that too iron is toxic, so don’t overdose on iron supplements. Do you have excessive bleeding or periods… this can cause anemia, including stomach ulcers and GI bleeds.
Can someone tell me the signs/symptoms of anemia?
Q: thank you.
A: Symptoms might start off as almost unnoticeable, but increase as the condition worsens. A person suffering from anemia might notice some or all of the following symptoms: * Paleness * Tiring quickly or easily * Dizziness * Pains in the chest * Cold hands and feet * Confusion * Fatigue * Headaches * Increased heartbeat
What causes the signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia?
A: Pernicious anemia is a disease where you have the inability to absorb vitamin B12 due to the lack of Intrinsic Factor, which is usually produced in the stomach by certain cells of the lining of that organ. Usually, it is due to an antibody that leads to disruption of the cells. When you have a depletion of the B12 level, it can lead to fatigue because of the anemia that ensues. B12 deficiency also leads to certain neuropathies such as pain or numbness that starts in the extremities. Severe cases can lead to confusion and encephalopathy. Because the problem is in gastrointestinal absorption, simply taking supplements is usually not enough. Injectional B12 may be necessary.
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