What are scabs made out of

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A scab is a combination of many clotting factors used by your body. Platelets, Fibrin, and many other things! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-scabs-made-out-of ]
More Answers to “What are scabs made out of
What are scabs made of?
dried blood, dry skin cells.
Why do scabs form?
Scabs protect the wound underneath, the itch is part of the healing process as nerves regenerate and get slightly irritated d/t swelling. Just so long as the itching is not combined with heat, redness and swelling you will survive.
How to make scabs heal faster?
Stop picking at the them. Cleanse the areas with soap and water and dry. Add some topical neosporin to them and leave them open to air. If redness occurs you could be allergic to the neosporin. Some people are. Tea tree oil is a good altern…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are scabs made out of? The non-red ones?
Q: I know the red ones, the ones that start forming immediately, are dried blood. But what about the ones that are that yellowish-gray color? Is that from the plasma part of the blood, is it skin cells, or is it some other substance?
A: dust and platelets
What are scabs made out of?
A: Dry Blood? I think. Or the stuff that are made to prevent your body from bleeding too much out of the wound. Interesting question though. :]
What is a scab made out of and how does your body make the scab?
A: A scab is formed as the blood at the surface of a wound clots and dries out. It’s the body’s neat way for forming a protective covering over a wound to give the skin a chance to re-form beneath it. You’ll notice when a scab sloughs off “naturally” that the skin below is pale and very tender. Over time, it toughens up.On the other hand, pick at the scab and it comes of prematurely and you have another open wound and the clotting process must start over again.Hope this helps. Also, I’ve included a link below to explain more completely.Lee
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