What are pimples made of

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Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations commonly arising from clogged or infected pores. MORE? ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-pimples-made-of ]
More Answers to “What are pimples made of
How do you make a pimple go away?
Rub alcohol on your face and you will irritate your face severly and make your skin drier, which will make your skin try to produce more oil, creating more pimples. Eat as much chocolate and peanut butter as you want, it won’t make a differ…
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If you have been lead to this article it is because you are praying, seeking or in need of protection… maybe without even being aware of it… trust the spirit. Some people think it is crazy or…
What is pus or pimples made of?
Infectious bodily fluids. Don’t pop pimples and if you get some on your hands, wash them immediately.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to remove Pimples or Black spots made by pimples at home or products?
Q: I have like sum black spots pimples and it seems to get worse….they’r only on my cheeks no where alse…!can u guys tell me any home remedies or any products that reallly really works…that u have tried….it should work..!plz…thnxxx a million..!plz help me out…!
A: To get rid of dark spots left over from pimples mix cinnamon powder with a little lemon juice and a few drops of honey. Apply only on pimples/ acne daily for at least one hour and wash with cold water. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/
What is the white stuff in pimples made of?
A: oil and grease and dirt
What are pimples/zits made of? How do they appear?What is the best way to get rid of them except for proactive
A: Pimples are lesions that occur when the skin’s pores are obstructed or infected.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care.Helpful solutions for pimples at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/
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