What are pancreatic cancer symptoms

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As the cancer grows and spreads, pain often develops in the upper abdomen and sometimes spreads to the back. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-pancreatic-cancer-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are pancreatic cancer symptoms
What are the symptoms of pancreas cancer?
Pancreatic Carcinoma Symptoms. Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer could include weight loss, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, and dark urine…
What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?
Pain, weight loss, jaundice, diabetes, nausea and vomiting, fever and shivering are all symptoms.
Can I Be Checked for Pancreatic Cancer Before I Have Symptoms??
Screening tests check for disease in people who don’t have symptoms. There are no recommended screening tests for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has been called a “silent” disease. This is because it does not have many symptoms. The e…

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What could be the signs of pancreatic cancer if there are no symptoms?
Q: As we know, this killer disease has no symptoms and only diagnose when it’s too late. What could be done to avoid this or what to do to find out if you are not getting this? Does it start by having stomach aches or similar to indigestion or colon cancer symptoms?
A: Pancreatic cancer, primarily ductal adenocarcinoma, accounts for an estimated 37,000 cases and 33,000 deaths in the US annually. Symptoms include weight loss, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Diagnosis is by CT. Treatment is surgical resection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Prognosis is poor because disease is often advanced at the time of diagnosis. (Merck)Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. The disease is slightly more common in men than in women, and risk increases with age.The cause is unknown, but it is more common in smokers and in obese individuals. Almost a third of cases of pancreatic cancer are due to cigarette smoking. There is controversy as to whether type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. A small number of cases are known to be related to syndromes that are passed down through families.(MedlinePlus)PreventionAlthough there’s no proven way to prevent pancreatic cancer, you can take steps to reduce your risk, including: * Quit smoking. If you smoke, quit. Talk to your doctor about ways to help you quit, including support groups, medications and nicotine replacement therapy. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. * Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risk of pancreatic cancer. If you need to lose weight, aim for a slow, steady weight loss — 1 or 2 pounds (0.5 or 1 kilogram) a week. Combine daily exercise with a plant-focused diet with smaller portions to help you lose weight. * Exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise on most days. If you’re not used to exercising, start out slowly and work up to your goal. * Eat a healthy diet. A diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains is good for you, and may help reduce your risk of cancer.(MayoClinic).
How do you call the medical condition whereby a cancer patient presents symptoms of another type of cancer?
Q: How do you call the medical condition whereby a cancer patient presents symptoms of another type of cancer that he does not have (ex. a pancreatic cancer patient with lung cancer symptoms)?
A: That is not a condition and there isn’t a name for it. Symptoms help in the diagnosis process. If a patient is seen in the emergency room for example, they may be admitted listing a few to several probable diagnosis based on tests done up to that point.
If you catch pancreatic cancer in a early stage that shows no symptoms could it be fixed?
Q: could they cure the cancer in that very early stageso you can live your life?
A: get in touch with either the 1st site or the second and physically call them and they should be able to hook you up…….for the Grace of God don’t wait.
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