What are meningitis symptoms? MORE

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Vomiting, Confusion and decreased level of consciousness, Seizures. Other symptoms of meningitis include: Sluggishness, muscle aches and weakness, and strange feelings (such as tingling) or weakness throughout the body. * Eye sensitivity and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-meningitis-symptoms%3F-more ]
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take meningitis symptoms to show?
Q: If you have meningitis symptoms eg(sore head, sensitivity to bright lights) how long does it take to show symptoms?Like what is the timescale in which the symptoms show? for example could you have a sore head one say and a rash would appear like a week later, or does it happen within a day or two?i dont have meningitis just curious lol . . .
A: Bacterial meningitis has a very fast onset can kill withing 24 hours. When your saying a rash your talking about meningococcal meningitis which is the only form of meningitis with a rash therefor if you suspect meningitis but don’t have a rash you could very well have meningitis my son had pneumococcal meningitis which is the most deadly form of meningitis that a person/child/infant can have he was deathly ill within just a few hours of getting a fever.The symptoms come on very fast and don’t come in any particular order and not everyone will have the same symptoms fer example my son never had a stiff neck.I hope this helps
What are some eukaryotic organisms that can cause meningitis symptoms???
Q: I can’t find any organisms that can cause meningitis symptoms besides Cryptococcus neoformans. Thanks for any answers!!!
A: Approximately half of the cases in the United States are due to common entero (intestinal) viruses. Occasionally, children will have viral meningitis associated with mumps or herpes virus infection. Mosquito-borne viruses also account for a few cases each year. In many cases, the specific virus cannot be identified.
Medical Question about Viral Meningitis symptoms, could someone help?
Q: My symptoms:one week before this all started i had a normal cold..then i got better and started having head aches two days neck back after two days, ache pains, fever, no sore throat till 7 days after those symptoms. dr said it was viral meningitis. could this be it? i read online that the only way to tell you have meningitis is from a spinal tap, is it true?
A: viral meningitis, is most often spread through direct contact with respiratory secretions (e.g., saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus) of an infected person. This usually happens by shaking hands with an infected person or touching something they have handled, and then rubbing your own nose or mouth. The virus can also be found in the stool of persons who are infected. The virus is spread through this route mainly among small children who are not yet toilet trained. It can also be spread this way to adults changing the diapers of an infected infant. The incubation period for enteroviruses is usually between 3 and 7 days from the time you are infected until you develop symptoms. You can usually spread the virus to someone else beginning about 3 days after you are infected until about 10 days after you develop symptoms.
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