What are good foods for menstrual cramps

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Fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy. Cut out salty & sweet junk foods which can make you feel bloated. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-foods-for-menstrual-cramps ]
More Answers to “What are good foods for menstrual cramps
What food helps menstrual cramps go away?
Prunes… =( WELL I have found that during that time either Chocolate or Dairy products will get the job done easy ^_^ or if your into HOT chocolate made with milk then that works to. Chocolate ice Cream is also a good way to stop the cramp…
Are there any foods that make menstrual cramps worse??
Avoid food that are high in sodium such as french fries. Sometimes dairy food makes it worse… I find TONS of water help and avoiding the above foods help minimize cramps.
Are there any healthy foods to eat that help relieve menstrual cr…?
I think the bananas work because of the potassium level in them. Hot tea, with a little lemon and sugar. You only need the heat. Also try the hot water bottle on the back or the pelvis, whichever is more soothing.

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What foods help relieve menstrual cramps?
Q: I have some cramps. I’m not sure if they’re bad or not because I’ve never had them before. It just is a cramping in my lower abdomen. It kind of hurts a lot. I can’t use midol;aleve;ect. My dad will guess that i’m on my period. I don’t really want to tell him. (Please, no comments on that). Would maybe crackers work? Anything at all food related/exercise would be appreciated! Thanks!
A: BANANAS! And lots of ice water.
are there any foods that make menstrual cramps worse?
Q: i get my period only like twice a year and i get cramps like no other…makes me wanna roll over and die! i heard caffeine is pretty bad. how about foods that can help reduce the intensity of my cramps?
A: Avoid food that are high in sodium such as french fries.Sometimes dairy food makes it worse…I find TONS of water help and avoiding the above foods help minimize cramps.
Any foods / drinks that make menstrual cramps better? Which to avoid?
Q: I’ve tried heating pads and I’ve tried every type of medicine.. What do you eat / drink when you are having really bad cramps? What things should you avoid once your cramps have already started? Does chocolate help or hurt?
A: Chocolate can help, because it’s a comfort food. Aspirine, if you’re an adult and can take it helps, because it’s a blood thinner. ( If you’re trying to get pregnant don’t use aspirin ’cause it can make you miscarry) Anise tea helps because it eases the contractions and relaxes the muscles. Avoid citrus.
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