What are chapped lips

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are chapped lips”,you can compare them.

Chapped lips are dry irritated skin on your lips.Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-chapped-lips ]
More Answers to “What are chapped lips
Having chapped lips is a common condition in which lips become dry and cracked. While caring for other body parts, we generally forget to give proper nourishment to lips. It is the most visible part of your face when you converse with other…
Chapped lips are a microbial activity at the lips developing into a fungal infection but most usually affecting both sides of the mouth. In medical terminology it has a name of Angular Cheilitis. Other names for this infection are Cheilosis…
Chronic or severe chapped lips are conditions wherein the lips become very dry and also cracked. This occurs when the moisture content decreases. It is quite difficult to keep the lips smooth as well as chap-free because the skin covering t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can I moisturize chapped lips with when I break out around my lips using traditional lip products?
Q: I get pimples around my lips when I use most lip products (chapstick, carmex, all lip glosses/colors I have tried). Has any one else had this problem? Any suggestions or has anyone heard of any oil-free lip moisturizers? Thank you!
A: use natural lip gloss without petroleum based that may be the reason you get pimples use burst bees has natural products in it .
How can i get rid of chapped lips in 2 days?
Q: I hate chapped lips and I have some special event where I have to take pictures and I want to feel comfortable smiling but I can’t because of the chapped lips. Any tips on how to get rid of it in two days?
A: Buy some Vaseline and apply it often. Vaseline will help your lips without drying them out.
What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?
Q: I really don’t like lip balm, I hate the waxy feeling on my lips.However I have chapped lips and think that I have no other choice. What is the best lip balm to use that will not give me that waxy feeling on my lips?
A: I love burt’s bees. I put it on every night.
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