What are all the symptoms of pneumonia

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Chest pain is a common symptom of many types of pneumonia. Pneumonia symptoms can vary greatly, depending on any underlying More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-symptoms-of-pneumonia ]
More Answers to “What are all the symptoms of pneumonia
What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
Symptoms include fever, fast, shallow breathing (always look out for this one in children as it may be your only clue), cough (with icky coloured mucus), chills, chest pain, fast heartbeat and wearyness.
How to Alleviate the Symptoms of Pneumonia
Pneumonia is a serious illness that occurs when the alveoli, or small air pockets, in the lungs fill with fluid and cause irritation and inflammation. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are wheezing, difficulty breathing, a persistent co…
How to Recognize the Symptoms of Pneumonia
・ 1 Note that there are several types of pneumonia such as bacterial pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia, atypical… ・ 2 Observe whether the mucus of the cough of the person is yellowish, bloodstained or rust-colored. This… ・ 3 See whether t…

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A: Chest wall pain that is often made worse by coughing or breathing in Rapid heartbeat Fatigue or vague feeling of weakness (malaise) Cough, often producing discolored mucus from the lungs. Sputum may be rusty or green or tinged with blood. Fever, which may be less common in older adults Rapid, often shallow, breathing and the feeling of being short of breath A single episode or many attacks, shaking, chills
What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
Q: What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
A: I currently have Pneumonia as i write this. I can tell you it didnt start with the usual symptoms for me.This is what happened to me last week -Loss of voiceSoar throatFatigueLoss appetiteConstant HeadachesBody achesCoughing startsHot and then coldNight sweats, feel cold but really im hot to touchConstant coughing by nowOnly small amounts of phlem, yellowishin colour.Still fatigue and loss off appetite.Finally chest x-ray shows Pneumonia so off to the Hospital for me. Ive had this now for 10 days and i still feel terrible. Im house bound and cannot do anything such as housework, look after kids ect. its terrible. I do not smoke and i am young and healthy so i have no clue as to how i got this. Hope this helps you, someone- anyone x
What are the symptoms of pneumonia versus a chest cold?
Q: Trying to figure out the differenceDon’t tell us to go to a doctor to find out, that’s the obvious answer :)Just wondering if you can give us some symptoms on here
A: With pneumonia you usually have a fever and your chest hurts when you inhale.
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