What are all the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal

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Caffeine withdrawal causes blood pressure to drop, causing an excess of blood in the head, leading to a headache. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-symptoms-of-caffeine-withdrawal ]
More Answers to “What are all the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal
What are some symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?
Headache, irritability, sometimes minor shaking, nit-picking minor issues, inability to focus, etc.
How long do caffeine withdrawal symptoms last?
Congrats on your attempt to quit drinking coffee. I quit almost a year ago. I drank 5-7 cups a day & suffered withdrawal for 3 weeks, with it getting less severe as time went on. I started taking two products from a company called Reliv…
Can these be symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?
i agree. Cutting back slowly is a good/better idea. You can take like, IDK, there are a lot of over the counter meds that have caffeine in them. I don’t suggest becoming a druggy or anything like that but if you can find one of those you ca…

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Q: I really want to stop drinking diet soda and after several attempts I think it would be easier to start smoking and try to quit. I have tried weaning off and that only works for a little bit and then I keep adding one, then two more sodas a day until I am back to where I was in the beginnging. I can easliy drink 6 or more cans a day. I am thinking of going cold turkey since that was the one way I was able to in the past but I can’t afford to spend a week or more with migraines. Anyone have any advise?
A: i am trully happy if you can stop those bad habits. In fact, diet soda doesn’t help much for your health, i mean diet. Smoking is not gơod for your lungs, however, it’s inconvenient for you to smoke, because it can affect to everyone else (children) You tried to quit all that, that’s a gơod thing. Instead of quitting those habits, just used fresh water. In our body, 70% is water, water can prevent the disease or any symtoms, if you already have the symtoms, should go to sêe a doctor.
Are these symptoms of caffeine withdrawal from sodas?
Q: I cut out all sodas and coffee cold turkey 2 days ago. And boy, am i ever feeling it. Symptoms ranging from headaches, nausea, lethargy, fatigue, irritable. Are these normal? I took advil and it did nothing for the headache. Any advice? Thanks
A: Yep, sounds normal if you were drinking a lot and quit cold turkey.
Can these be symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?
Q: I quit caffeine cold turkey 3 days ago. I used to drink a lot of sodas and coffee. First day was massive headaches, then it turned into feel lethargic and tired. Now on top of all that…my head feels like its in the clouds. Kinda like a foggy feeling not to mention lack of concentration also. This stinks. Any help would be appreciated.
A: i agree. Cutting back slowly is a good/better idea. You can take like, IDK, there are a lot of over the counter meds that have caffeine in them. I don’t suggest becoming a druggy or anything like that but if you can find one of those you can take it not only for your head but it will give you that slight caffeine jolt you need.
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