What are all of the symptoms of depression

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Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in daily activities, sleep changes, appetite changes, loss of energy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-of-the-symptoms-of-depression ]
More Answers to “What are all of the symptoms of depression
What are the key symptoms of depression?
Depression Symptoms. Symptoms of Depression could include depression, irritability, mood swings, nervousness, and loss of appetite…
What are the symptoms of depression?
Symptoms of depression: ・ Loss of interest in normal daily activities ・ Feeling sad or down ・ Feeling hopeless ・ Crying spells for no apparent reason ・ Problems with sleeping — too much or too little sleep ・ Change in appetite …
Depression Has Many Symptoms. Do You Know Them?
If you suspect a person close to you may be suffering from classical depression, it is important to have an idea as to what kind of symptoms to look for. Depressed persons are not necessarily sad. Most often they just feel lifeless, empty, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If depression is caused by a chemical imbalance how do we explain all the many symptoms of depression?
Q: These of some but not all of the symptoms that people deal with that seem to be directly connected to their depression: loss of memory and concentration, pain in the body, chronic pain in neck and shoulder, severe pain in limbs, loss of strength in limbs, inability to use limbs, uclers, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, rashes, constipation, gas, weight loss, weight gain, loss of appetite, sleep disruption, inability to stay awake. There are many other symptoms of depression that seem directly linked to depression. As one person said, “When the depression goes up, the pain goes down. When the pain goes up, the depression goes down.” It would seem to be easier to explain these symptoms, if we looked at depression as an autoimmune disease of the brain. The immune system attacking various parts of the brain could cause all these symptoms. But how does a chemical imbalance in the brain cause all of these symptoms of depression?
A: We hear about the chemical imbalances that lead to depression, primarily from drug companies that are interested in selling their drugs. Of course depressin IS caused by an imbalance of chemicals put out by the brain, that that is not the ONLY cause. Often, the brain will begin to go into neurotranmistter overdrive as a reaction to some form of physical or quasi-physical stress, especially since the neurotransmitters that cause depression in an overabaundance are ALSO the neurotransmitters that are pumped out during the “fight or flight” reflex.If these chemicals are pumped out in situations in which you don’t overtly have to fight or flee, it’s likely that the presence of these neurochemicals will cause a kind of traffic-jam effect that begins to play on other parts of the brain and thus other parts of the body. Which is why, when the pain goes up, the depression goes down. Pain, or some form of physical hardship will often jolt the body into responding, thus metabolizing the neurotransmitters that cause depression in the first place. Knowing this, however, isn’t the same as finding a cure, it’s just a way to recognize that yes, there are OTHER forms of depression, and just as an aside note, I’ve noticed among Russian friends of mine suffering from depression, their doctors routinely suggest TRAVEL as a way of overcoming some of depression’s more debilitating effects.
i have all the symptoms of depression, but i dont want to talk to anyone?
Q: I have lots of symptoms of depression, reduced sex drive, loss of sleep, reduced appetite and weight loss. I cant seem to get myself to class. No matter what i try i can’t seem to make myself feel better. My girlfriend notices, but i can’t seem to tell her. Should I seek help?
A: Not wanting to talk about it is also symptomatic of depression. Yes, you should get some help. Talking to your doctor is a good starting place. A good friend or family member would help, too, but sometimes it’s easier to talk at first to someone that’s not so close in your life. A counselor or therapist actually is a better way to go than your doctor if you want to see if talking it thru will help before trying meds. Keep in mind that all people experience depression at some point in their lives. If you’re questioning, then it’s probably at or beyond the point where help is what you need. It’s a matter of how bad it is and how long it goes on. Sometimes meds are necessary no matter how much talk therapy you do, so if you do choose a therapist and your symptoms persist, get medical assistance as well. Btw, at some point you need to let your g/f in on what’s going on with you if for no other reason than communication is essential for a healthy relationship. Hang in there. It does get better if you get beyond your reluctance to talk and do seek help.
I have all the symptoms of depression but I don’t know how to tell my mom. How do I tell her?
Q: I have almost all the symptoms of depression but I don’t know how to tell my mom. sometimes im happy other times im mad or sad. I don’t know if it depression or bipolar. I want to ask my mom but im scared that if i do she won’t love me anymore. Or she might not want to talk about it. how do i tell her? should i tell her or should i keep it to myself?
A: Hun, please don’t tell yourself that your mom won’t love you if she knows this. Your mother will always love you no matter what…believe in that too. The situation will only get worse if u keep it inside…it’ll just eat up from the inside out. It’s never too late to get help. I know it’s cliche, but try to talk to your mom about this “friend” who is having problems and that she came to you because she didn’t know how to tell her mother… then tell her how your “friend” feels the mother’s reaction may be. Depending on her reaction, you should either just say straight up to her that you’re the friend or be yourself and just tell her what’s pounding your heart. If you still don’t feel okay with talking to your mom, go to a school counselor, a close friend, or someone you feel comfortable around. And you’re not alone. God loves you, and I believe it with all my heart. You’ll be in my prayers.-Sushi
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