What about pain behind both eyes

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There could be many causes of eye pain. One cause could be low Beta Carotene. Carrots are high in Beta Carotene. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-pain-behind-both-eyes ]
More Answers to “What about pain behind both eyes
What causes sharpe pain behind both eyes?
Quite possibly a sinus infection. It puts pressure on the eyes and your eyes will water.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have constant pain behind both eyes?
Q: it’s right behind both my eyes (though usually it’s just left) i don’t know why..sometimes after i workout, after i stop watching tv, when i get up quickly (though i believe that’s a normal thing), in the car and sometimes just really randomly. What could this be??i’m 15 btw and not overweight, i eat healthy for the most part and such. :] thanks for any help in advanced!i have 20/20 vision. but that was checked last year so maybe my eye sight is changing..
A: You should definitely go see your eye doctor first, then if you aren’t satisfied and still have problems, see your regular doctor. It could just be your eyesight changing, but its always better to be safe when it comes to pain in that region! Good luck!
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A: You might be having/getting a migrane.
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Q: i have bad vision and i wear glasses…a few months back i got my eyes dilated and come to find out i had what the dr. claimed to be a small tear in the back of my right eye…dont know what caused it i heard it can come from stress????for the past for days i have been feeling really dizzy ….do you think it could be from the tear???i have also had alot of pain behind both eyes and headaches any one know what could be causing this???
A: have u been spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen or tv? that can be possibility. though dizzyness can also be it
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