Is there a disease you can get from a cat

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a disease you can get from a cat”,you can compare them.

Cat-Scratch Disease is an infection caused by bacteria carried in cat saliva. The bacteria can be passed from a cat to a human. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a disease you can get from a cat
How Do Cat Get This Disease?
Ringworm in cats is transmitted through some infected healthy animal or pets.  The environment where the infected animals visited, the fungi are mixed with the air.  If the cat went to same surrounding environment also one major cause to ge…
What disease can you get from a cat bite?
Cat scratch fever is a known disease, caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae is a known disease transmitted by the bites of cats. It is easily treatable with the antibiotic Augmentin.
What is cat-scratch disease, and how do people get it??
Cat-scratch disease is an infection caused by bacteria (germs) carried in cat saliva. The bacteria can be passed from a cat to a human. Cats may get the bacteria from ticks and fleas, although this hasn’t been clearly proven yet. Studies in…

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Q: My neighbour is worried about his rabbits as my cat sleeps in his straw and hay.I am in France and his rabbits are for eating.
A: No diseases but maybe fleas if your cat has them. I am in Switzerland and we have eaten all our rabbits and they tasted very nice.
is there any disease that i can get from my cat?
Q: i like to kiss and hug my cat . is there any disease that i can get from doing this?
A: No – as long as you have a healthy inside cat. It is possible to get Toxoplasmosis from Kitty Litter and this can cause birth defects so pregnant women should have someone else change the kitty litter.
is there any kind of disease that can be contracted from constant exposure to cat feces and urine – the smell?
Q: i need help – there are cats living under the house I rent and there is cat feces and urine all under the house and obviously coming up through vents – any health hazard with that?
A: There is NO health hazard from the ODOR.Pregnant women should avoid cat feces as it MAY carry the toxoplasmosis parasite which can cause fetal defects and problems. They may wear gloves and wash hands and change a litter box safely, especially with an indoor cat.The smell alone is not harmful, although distastefull.I suggest you call your local animal control or wildlife nuissance center and see if they can trap the cats under the house. Unneutered males produce a STRONG smelling urine. Once they are captured, do some work with boards and mesh and seal off the cralwspace to no more cats get there.But you have no health hazard from the oros entering the house.
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