Is there a cure for the h1n1 virus

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Treatment with oseltamivir or zanamivir is recommended for all persons with suspected or confirmed influenza requiring hospitalization. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a cure for the h1n1 virus
Is there a cure for A H1N1 virus?
No. No cure has been discovered as yet – it would be front page news for weeks if it had. That said there are several drugs available that have been shown to slow down the progress of the disease and most people who have the disease can lea…
How did scientist found the cure for H1N1 virus?
They haven’t found a cure, just developed a vaccine that will prevent most cases but it’s never 100% effective for everyone. They isolate the virus and then use a dead version of the virus in the vaccine which the body responds to as if it …
What in your opinion can “cure all symtoms of the desease”…?
20 pints of Brains S.A bitter & a kebab from chip alley,is the way to go. If it doesn’t kill you,it will kill ALL known diseases to man and you’ll never be ill again! Best not mention the World Cup – We haven’t qualified since 1958,and …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a cure for H1N1 virus today?
Q: I don’t have, I’m just curious….but 3 weeks ago i got 5 of the symptoms of the flu… i didn’t go to school for 3 days. will it come back?
A: No, there’s not but you can take an antiviral medication that can make the symtoms milder and not last as long and you can just treat the symptoms. But in response to a previous answer, “NO, you won’t die!” Not unless you have other medical problems that complicate the illness. And no, it shouldn’t come back.
Is there any cure for Influenza A H1N1 virus after it has been caused?
Q: if a person is already infected, can tamiflu cure it?
A: i think its just like the regular flu you just have to wait until your white blood cells kill it all but be careful cause i had the flu in february and after my white blood cells were so low they wouldnt be able to fight off any other infections for a while so i just had to stay home away from people until my white count was higher
How did scientist found the cure for H1N1 virus?
Q: I am surprised that the cure was found this fast and the cure will be available in the United States in October. But it surprises me the most is that the cure is available the same year the epidemic started in the U.S.I thought the cure for H1N1 was gonna take years but i realized that the H1N1 isn’t all that severe since most people treated like a seasonal flu.
A: They haven’t found a cure, just developed a vaccine that will prevent most cases but it’s never 100% effective for everyone. They isolate the virus and then use a dead version of the virus in the vaccine which the body responds to as if it were the live virus by building up an immunity to the virus without making you sick. That’s just a simplified explanation but it’s more complicated than that so you’ll have to read up on how vaccines are made.
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