Is the swine flu really deadly

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is the swine flu really deadly”,you can compare them.

In Mexico, 16 deaths have been confirmed as a result of the swine flu. There have been 800 cases of swine flu in Mexico City. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is the swine flu really deadly
Is the swine flu really less deadly than the “normal” f…?
Statistically speaking I believe less people have been killed by it, yes, but there’s a good reason for that. Pandemic paranoia actually works. If someone at a school gets swine flu, they shut the school down for a quarantine period where I…
How deadly is this Swine Flu really?
I think the Mexican government released this to take the attention off the drug cartels. They were having major problems with the cartels and this was the perfect time for it to happen. Now people forget about the cartels and worry about th…

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Q: I’m somewhat confused about this Swine Flu epidemic.What makes it deadly? And how? What does it to to humans? Is it as bad as the bird flu or ecoli?
A: all of u sinners brought this rath of god onto our earth and now we are all going to die i hope ur happy. jk lol
Is the swine flu really less deadly than the “normal” flu, percentage wise?
Q: Is the swine flu really less deadly than the “normal” flu, percentage wise?I mean, for the percentage of people who catch it,
A: Statistically speaking I believe less people have been killed by it, yes, but there’s a good reason for that.Pandemic paranoia actually works. If someone at a school gets swine flu, they shut the school down for a quarantine period where I live.Measures like that are very effective. But they don’t do that for your garden variety influenza.
Is the swine flu really deadly?
Q: Like, if you get it, what’s your chance of dying? Let’s say you’re healthy, in your teens or early twenties.
A: it can be if left untreated.answer mine.;_ylt=AnVccTtOQf7rW0LadDq0SgDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090501224648AAUS8MI
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